Vault Reset?

I ran 8 heroics yesterday for the weekly vault. The vault was showing progress last night.

Today I ran LFR and saw that the raid was showing completed but now my dungeon progress is gone.


Multiple people have posted similar. I ran LFR first and now cant get credit for any heroics. Showing none complete even though I ran 2


Same here. I ran LFR yesterday and it shows credit for that. I just ran 2 heroics but nothing is showing up in the dungeon section of the great vault preview. Going to hold off on running more till this is fixed.
Also, why is the heroic weekly not active anymore? Do 5 heroic dungeons and get a random piece of normal gear.


Also, why is the heroic weekly not active anymore? Do 5 heroic dungeons and get a random piece of normal gear.

That’s pretty self-explanatory. You now get gear through vault. No need for the quest anymore.


I’m sorry, my previous post may not have communicated the situation.

The reward from completing the 5 heroic dungeons was a piece of gear at normal raid difficulty that I otherwise wouldn’t have obtained. Additional random pieces of heroic dungeon loot is not the same.

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I’m also experiencing this issue. Got my raid finder rewards, get the notification for progressing the dungeon one when I finish the dungeon but zero credit in the vault itself.

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Blizz, this is still broken.

My progress bar was filled for dungeons and is now empty.

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I sort of get the same but instead its stuck in a Loop i did 1 raid and dint claim annything still got my vault quest for geting an item out of it and when i do heroic dungeon runs it keeps saying iam unlocking my vault and i dont get credit in the vault for the dungeon also did all the raids available this week and Nothing shows up in the Vault…

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Oops dint see i was with my Tank in here this is my main character.

Glad to see I’m not the only one with this problem. The raid section appears to work properly but the dungeon section is a mess. I’ve done numerous heroics and the 3 sections are unlocked but don’t register that the dungeons were completed.

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Yeah exactly and every time i close the game and then log back in and do a Heroic dungeon… after iam done with the dungeon at the end it unlocks the Dungeon part of the heroic dungeon line in the Vault again and again…

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Exact same thing is happening to me.

I think for raids we only get credit for the Amirdrassil raids

Same here all heroic progress gone

Blizzard said initially when this first happened that progress is still being tracked, so seems like the visual bug just re-surfaced.

Yup exactly and it sucks cuzz i did all the raids and probably 50 heroics if not more only thing i dint do is PvP. At lease i hope they give something good in gear as return when its fixed lol… One Can hope :smiley:

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It seems to be fixed! I got my credits for both Raid and Heroic :slight_smile: I hope you got something good :slight_smile:


Meh i got 4 Trinkets to chose from and they all sucked… so i took the tokens… one was okay but meh i wana upgrade my gear… so those welping crest should be nice to have … ill keep the tokens and see if ill need it later annyway… :smiley:

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Btw yes the vault was fixed so far… i dint play yesterday cuzz iam super sick atm even my hair hurts… lol cough cough

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