One of the biggest negatives for priests right now is movement - they are a bit behind compared to other classes.
For those unfamiliar, back in Shadowlands - Vault of Heavens ( was an ability that let you leap/fly to a target, and had 2 charges. It was a super fun ability.
A comment was made a while ago by Blizz concerning Vault of Heavens:
They state here:
"Vault of Heavens
This was discussed early on with this iteration with the intent to add it as a choice against Leap of Faith . Upon further consideration, Vault of Heavens is almost always more useful than Leap of Faith. But Leap of Faith is one of the more fun interactions in WoW. It changes your perspective on the battlefield. You’re always ready to react to save someone. And of course, it has some clever uses to get your friends killed. If we allow for the choice, the choice is clear, or we’d have to nerf Vault of Heavens down to something that won’t feel very powerful. The fantasy of the Priest leaping to their target doesn’t match our expectations for a Priest either, so we instead separated Body and Soul from Angelic Feather for a little extra movement support and kept Leap of Faith as a standalone."
I’d like to counter-point to these two bolded statements and propose: Instead of making it a choice against Leap of Faith (which I agree, is a staple ability for priests - I love having it), make Vault of Heavens a choice against Angelic Feather in the talent tree , and balance Angelic Feather to make the choosing between the two compelling. So you’d have to choose between having Angelic Feather or Vault of Heavens . In terms of numbers/balancing the movement of a priest across an in-game space over time, there should be a way to balance the choice between these two so that they are somewhat balanced between each other (making Vault of Heavens have only 1 charge, slightly buffing Angelic Feather if Vault of Heavens remains at 2 charges, making Vault of Heavens only work on party members, etc. I don’t know the best way to balance the two, just throwing stuff out there for the team).
As far as the leap “not matching expectations for a priest,” priests already thematically have an ability that sprouts wings and makes them fly in the form of a PvP talent called Divine Ascension ( So having Vault of Heavens to fly to a target or teammate is right up the alley. Also, while I understand this is WoW and it is its own game, it is still interesting to note that this almost-exact ability has been present in healer roles of other games for a long time - Mercy (from Overwatch, using the ability Guardian Angel) or Sage (from FFXIV, using the ability Icarus).
I’m not here to discuss priest DPS/HPS/Throughput/Performance across PVP/PVE or its balancing needed to account for this change (if any), but specifically making the point to address priest MOVEMENT. I think this would be a good way to bring back a super fun ability and give more options for priest movement.
edit: typo