Vault delve reward incorrect track?

Last Thursday, on this character, I helped a friend level up their delves, running one of each on tier 4-7 to unlock their tier 8. I then swapped to my main to do the 8s. Today, my highest item in the vault on this character was champion track, however the guide states completing a 7 will reward a heroic item at rank 1. My vault had been populated with tier 1 runs last week after doing weeklies on all characters (which I reported separately), so I don’t know if this bugged my actual runs.

Three other characters had the proper track awarded for the runs they completed despite having some extra runs populate. Unfortunately, I already claimed the item before I realized. I’m not sure if anything would be done after the fact anyway, but hopefully the issue can be looked into.

Edit: Can’t delete this post anymore. For some reason I thought it was the same as mythic dungeon completion at 1/4/8, not 2/4/8, so you can disregard this post. The lack of contrast on the new vault page when it’s empty made me fail to realize this early on. Having world activities suddenly fill it up made it also difficult to tell what I’d completed. Forgive my addled mind.