Vashj seems broken

The fact that your numbers are 74, 56, and 56 should be very suspicious. You have no way of filtering the times where the tank dies and she melees people as the raid wipes, or when everyone stands in the poison after the RL calls a wipe to make the death locations cleaner.

Except this isn’t happening because I can literally see your logs?

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At this point you are literally excusing EVERYTHING instead of admitting there’s problems and looking for ways to improve. People dying to toxic spores? Nope its MCs and RNG killing people, those guys eating multiple ticks? nah that’s mcs. Boss entering p3 and killing 3 dps because she wasn’t picked up? Nah that’s bad rng and uncontrollable. Elite spawns and mows down 5 people? nah can’t be the tanks fault, thats bad rng.

Do you have any idea how absolutely ridiculous you sound?


What I see is I see very sketchy, selective, and meaningless statistics. Those statistics were selected based on their ability to be used as evidence of a pre-existing opinion. In other words, the opinion comes first, the evidence is selected second.

I have healed the fight as well as played as a shadow priest. When healing, I am constantly watching the bars. People die instantly. Whether or not that is rendered on my game client or reported by the server, the effect is the same. Every fight, the instant phase 3 starts, people get MCed and then 2-3 people instantly die.

Dang my HP reached 0 cuz I stood in poison…bad RNG!!


It’s cuz it’s bad overall healing, the spore bat poison needs to be healed IMMEDIATELY.

You keep them at 25% hp then next time anything hits them they are dead.

At the end of the day the encounter is RNG but it isn’t just out of your hands, healing, tanks and dps all have jobs to counter the RNG.

Everything is avoidable. Stop excusing bad play.

I mean obviously we had unbelievable RNG to have a single death, but still. You can completely control every aspect of this fight. Toxic spores can be dealt with by kiling spore bats, moving out as you can see the projectiles before they land, or drop thornlings to hand-hold bad players. Tanks dying to shockblast is entirely the shamans fault. P3 transition having people die to shoot/melee because the boss isn’t picked up is bad communication on your raid leaders part. People dying to coilfang elites can be bad rng but it’s entirely the tanks fault. People dying to multishot in 1 hit is because they need more stamina. People dying to static charge or forked lightning is 100% the healers fault.

MCS are the only thing that makes the fight extremely punishing and that can be controlled by having tanks taunt the mcs. Warrior tank taunts the melee and have other people with taunts and high health or armour taunt the casters. Healers are going to heal the boss regardless of what happens so you need to apply a healing reduction through wounding poison or something like that. Casters when mc’d are generally great because they want to toss out aoes which are easy to avoid. If the MT is getting targeted by an mcd caster then that’s priority for taunt as they can eat grounding totem.


Only thing misleading on logs can be poison deaths, them dying to it doesn’t always mean they just stood in it.

That being said if they do die to a 2nd poison at them which is RNG of being targeted so fast back to back it can still be avoided by simply healing the people who got hit.

If player A gets hit, takes the initial damage then 1 tick of the poison and moves and has 25% health, then 9 seconds go by and he has no heals or health stone and gets hit by a 2nd poison bolt and the initial hit kills him that is 100% a healer issue even tho logs will simply show a poison death.

At this point I doubt I can expect anything else except ad hominem fallacies. It is unlikely that you have any experience with statistics or scams involving statistics.

Why ask for help if you’re just going to get mad and ignore it?

This really just seems like a completely unironic get gud issue.


Nothing in the original post is asking for help. I was asking if the QA testers did their job. I was also asking if the MC have predictable behavior.

This is not the only boss in this content with questionable programming. A’lar has a tendency to kill tanks with flame quills after they have been sitting on the ground for a while. It’s a question about QA. Not advice.

Does Flask of Petrification protect against MC? Just curious

Ok so since you haven’t looked at your logs allow me to hold your hand like your raiders need for this fight.
Tank failed to taunt on p3 starting. 3 people died because of it. 2 people died to bad RNG with spore and multishot but if you pan your camera up you can see the sporebats vomiting on you and can potentially avoid toxic spore entirely. Tank died to shockblast so there was no grounding totem.
melee died to cleave so poor positioning by tank. Phase 3 starts and vashj kills a healer and a melee. Poor communication on phase start again or tank not doing their job. The warrior who was tanking gets killed by shockblast so there’s no grounding totem. 2 people eat 3 ticks of damage from toxic spore while 1 had no impact damage and run into it to die. You would think the wipe was called except the fight went on for over another minute.
Someone dies to forked lightning and tainted element so healer who was assigned to that area failed to keep them alive. Someone dies to multishot and forked lightning so healers dropped the ball again. Then you get your first death caused by an MC but then the tank dies to shockblast because again no grounding totem. MC wasn’t what caused the wipe.
Phase 3 starts and boss isn’t picked up again so rogue dies. Tank then dies to shockblast because no grounding totem. Not even going to go further into that fight because the tanks dead.
2 deaths because the healers aren’t paying attention or something. Then really bad RNG with entangle and toxic spore in the melee. An actual bad RNG wipe, but thornlings could have reduced the odds for this to happen or the melee using limited action potion.

Should I go on?


The OP never asked for help. Their raid group can’t kill the boss so they are accusing the boss of being broken, despite the fact that many other guilds have killed it.

It’s akin to when people accuse others of hacking when really they just got outplayed.


They do. You taunt them and they hit you. They can’t be interrupted or cc’d in any capacity so you need to have tanks taunting them. You also need to have big impact cds used before the fight starts because using lay on hands on the boss is going to wipe you. All forms of cc need to be used while you aren’t mc’d. Blinding the tank can cause a wipe. Gouging the tank can cause a wipe. Fearing the tank can cause the boss to LoS on the pillars and cause an evade bug and heal her for large amounts which causes a wipe.

This is false. The tank failed to move fast enough and died for it. The only issue is the damage is not indicated by the animation properly. The moment the boss flies up you need to jump down. This is a learning issue, not a bug issue as the behaviour is always the same. She flies up? you jump down. The angle is easy to tell and is entirely the fault of the tank if they die to this.

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TLDR: Vashj is to hard so we are saying its broken. meanwhile hundreds of other guilds have killed it LMAO

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So the tank taking 10 steps towards me while I heal his fall damage, then he dies to flame quills is just another “git gut” situation.

There is this idea that the video game designers and engineers are infallible. The game is a perfect artifact. Everyone just needs to git gud

So you accuse me of logical fallacies but all you’ve done is strawman. What did I say later in the post?

If you’re going to constantly pick and choose what to read then what’s even the point of replying? All you are doing is cherry picking comments to try and avoid admitting people can actually make mistakes that they need to learn from.

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We’ve been running a 3rd raid 1 night per week and this was their first week getting to vash and they were able to kill her in 5 pulls and relatively easily too, i think almost everyone was alive, i think that people don’t know how to deal with this fight while we’ve ripped our strategy straight out of our raid 1, people focus too much on bat and mind control rng and not enough on the other factors. Tank is rooted in a poison and shockblasted? not rng.

Flaws in base assumptions show up very quickly in any post. You don’t need to read 100% of a post and address auxiliary points when the central point relies on a base assumption that has a flaw.

Just like you would probably not read an advice book by a super religious author if the first sentence is advocating for their specific religion. It doesn’t really matter if there is good advice or not, there is an incorrect base assumption somewhere.

This “designer infallibility” belief shows up almost instantly in all of your posts. Imagine there were bugs in Dark Souls that showed up sometimes and had some impact, and the people on the forums just said “git gut” and then hunted for evidence to support their arguments. It is the hunting for evidence that is suspect.