Varimathras is an idiot...Am I the only one who thinks this?

Why in God’s name would he tell Grand Apothecary Putress to attack the Wrathgate when his goal was summoning a powerful demon (Probably Sargeras) into Azeroth. He was literally like 5 minutes (tops) away from summoning him when the Alliance and Horde came and foiled him. So why did he provoke the Alliance and Horde into assaulting the UC when all he had to do was summon Sargeras in that little room of his and lock everyone else out and say he was busy and not to disturb him while he did it.

Let the Alliance and Horde stay in Northrend, summon Sargeras, let the Legion overrun Lorderon and the EK, and by the time the Alliance and Horde react it’ll be far too late for them to do anything about it.

I honestly don’t blame Sargeras for sending him to the eternal torture realm or w/e happened to Varimathras after he failed. He had one very simple job to do, and he messed it up royally. And I thought Dreadlords were supposed to be smart…

I could see Sargeras playing a DVD video of ‘The Legion’s Summer Activities’ and doing a fail compilation and putting little red X’s over Varimathras’ eyes and playing fart noises like Andy did in that one episode of the office.

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Actually he had to attack Sylvanas and other Forsaken to get them out of the UC first, so he was getting assaulted either way.


Yah Yah Yah but Varimathras failed to summon Sargeras which led to the forces of Azeroth prevailing which led to a decade + of torture for us players hoping and holding out for WoW to fix itself before WoD crushed all our collective spirits. An eye for an eye, you feel me bruh?


The real question is why was Varimathras warning players about Sylvanas in Legion when he “died” before she did? Only way he would know she was up to no good would be someone in the Legion telling him even though he was a prisoner.

Maybe he read the script for BFA and Shadowlands.


Even if he was somehow contacted by an agent of the Jailer/Denathrius (there had to be some line of communication).

As a Nathrezim wasn’t he in service of Denathrius and in turn Zovaal? Didn’t the Nathrezim infiltrate the Legion in service of Denathrius/Zovaal in the first place?

If he knew that Sylvanas too served Zovaal, which he seems to indicate that he does there.

Then why would he issue a “warning” at all?

Ostensibly he and Sylvanas serve the same master, do they not? I thought Legion was supposed to be Sylvanas currying more trust, thus her actions during the assault on the Broken Shore, so she could better enact Zovaal’s plans from a position of power.

It seems odd that Varimathras would undermine that at all when he serves the exact same master.

Indeed. It leads to questions on what Denathrius’s true schemes are. Mal’Ganis claimed they are bigger than the Shadowlands so he may have orchestrated Zovaal’s demise…

Of course that means that Mal’Ganis serving Zovaal is sheer spite towards us for not releasing him!

Honestly, this should have happened. Denathrius shouldn’t have been sealed.

Then when the little ball was floating towards Zovaal from the “Arbiter”, Denathrius should have just appeared and snatched it out of the air before murdering Zovaal and absorbing his power or something.

Doesn’t even matter if it makes sense, plenty of other stuff makes little sense.

But Denathrius is significantly more compelling than Zovaal “Foolish Mortals” Jailer.

Hell for bonus points we should have got a cinematic of Denathrius berating Zovaal for 10mins straight before killing him - as an apology to the players for having to put up with having this bland, egotistical, cookie cutter villain with the personality of cardboard jammed down our throats.

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He’s that character who has an idea he thinks is good, and it just shatters… Poor guy

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I assume he was tossed aside by the Nathzerim now that his usefulness was over. Or more likely he hated Sylvanas more than he was loyal to Denathrius.


Where is this stated?

He says things like the master is near. People assumed Sargeras would pass though. Personally my intepretation is Sargeras as a whole would not be able to enter. He would probably send another Avatar or something.

Lordearon does not have the magic to support a full blown portal for Sargeras.

The sound files of the voice you hear during the fight with Varimathras in the Hordes version of the Battle for the Undercity has the name listed as Sargeras’s. The actual person behind the voice in game was not stated.

Varimathras also says that the “master is close” which was Sargeras at the time.

`The Distant Voice seems to be that of Sargeras. The Sound File lists the speaker as Sargeras.

/script PlaySoundFile(“Sound\Creature\Sargeras\WG_Sargeras_HOR01.wav”)`

And given that Varimathras is imprisoned in Antrous for his failure during Wrath…

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This seems not to be the case as he indicated that he knew about Sylvanas and Zovaal - presumably the average servant of the Legion did not know about Zovaal at all, so it would indicate that he was still in contact with servants of Zovaal in some way

We can pretty safely assume that if he’d been abandoned entirely there would have been no desire/need to share any information with him at all.

As you said, this seems the more likely reason.

And perhaps his torture also played a role in creating a situation where he was unstable to the point that the “master” plan no longer mattered and he just wanted to enact one last moment of spite.

That still doesn’t sit great with me because I don’t really know why he would hold that much animosity towards her.

Sure she “killed” him in Undercity which resulted in his torture, but she didn’t assault Undercity alone. A lot of his prior “subjugation” by her seems largely moot as he was actually deceiving her for the bulk of it. His murdering of Balnazzar which was faked, with Varimathras maintaining contact with Balnazzar afterwards. His subservience to Sylvanas at Undercity was a guise with Varimathras manipulating things behind the scenes, resulting in the Wrathgate and (first) siege of Undercity.

It feels to me like if he was prone to that sort of emotion driven action then Sargeras and the Legion would have been the targets of his ire.

He was never truly loyal to Sargeras or the Legion and it was them who subjected him to the grevious torture he suffered.

That said, perhaps Sylvanas just became the scapegoat in his mind because he wasn’t entirely in his mind at that point and Sylvanas is probably a more attainable target for revenge than Sargeras and the Legion overall.

Best I can figure is he was counting on Putress’s assault causing the Alliance and Horde to attack each other in Northrend, leaving him with minimal blowback to deal with while they tore at each other elsewhere. Which would arguably make sense. Both of them simultaneously attacking Undercity was admittedly something of an unorthodox response; both faction’s armies were deployed already and overextended across Northrend, so while Thrall and Sylvanas trying to retake the city made some sense, Varian seeing the whole thing as the opportune time to claim Lordaeron in the middle of a world war against the Scourge was kind of out of nowhere and irresponsible, since strategically it was a diversion of forces and attention that would leave Alliance troops in the north vulnerable to Scourge and Horde attack.

One of the common threads in WoW has often been that most villains don’t account for the factions’ ability to screw around however they want with their armies and not adversely affect their ability to wager war because they can toss their on-call teams of superheroes (us) at any third-party threats that arise without detracting from their capacity to lob rocks at each other. Historically only AU Gul’dan ever seemed to realistically come to grips with the sort of threat we pose, and it scared the hell out of him. Everyone else just acts like we’re glorified footmen, and gets blindsided when neutralizing most of the factions’ armies with infighting still leads to the faction champions rolling up anyway and beating their faces in.

Honestly Varimathras’ punishment seemed bizarrely disproportionate. He almost summoned the Legion with a minimal investment of resources and manpower from their own end; meanwhile Archimonde and Kil’jaeden repeatedly failed to conquer Azeroth, with their failures costing vast armies of demons and mortal proxies painstakingly built up over many years, and they seemed to just get slapped on the wrist and told to do better next time. Where’s Mannoroth’s torture cell for failing with the orcs twice? Where’s Tichondrius getting punished for blowing it in the Felwood during the Third War, costing them that invasion and then failing in Suramar during Legion? Why was Varimathras’ scheme so special that its failure merited special retribution?

It ended up coming across like his failure was treated as some special deal for meta reasons; namely, because it was part of Sylvanas’ story.


Because he’s a dread lord and they have excellent psychic abilities. And you know denathrius got a message to him and he’s known about the plan the jailer had for Sylvanas even before she killed uerself and the plan was enacted. Dread lords are the most in the know species in game.

Arthas didn’t know how to soul shatter. He just thought he was killing her and turning her into a banshee. He didn’t even notice that the jailer used that moment to shatter her soul because he saw potential there. The lich kings had no comprehension of domination magic apart from “helm makes scourge behave sword makes more”

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I think Varimatharas and Putress were counting on the betrayal at Wrathgate to leave no witnesses (which is still stupid, as we see people escaping the bombardment and plague clouds. The red dragons were also something they didn’t account for.

As for Varimatharas’ “warning” it seemed like gloating to me. Less warning us against her, though I see why it sounded like that, and more gloating about danger coming and that we can’t stop it (wrong).

That’s fair, and given that he’d gone through consistent torture for however long he probably has more justification for gloating than most villains as it’s entirely likely that he wasn’t totally emotionally/mentally stable at the time.

So him not thinking of the potential ramifications of gloating in such a way (not that it actually amounted to much) makes enough sense.

It would seem that even the deceptive, cunning and scheming Nathrezim have their breaking point and the Legion found Varimathras’ breaking point (or at least close to it).

I wonder if, had we not gone to Argus or gone to Argus at a later time, Varimathras would have eventually broken completely and spilt the beans regarding Denathrius and Zovaal to the Legion.

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knock knock knock

“Varimathras, what are you doing it there? And why is the water running?”


Don’t you need something on the order of a Well of Eternity to pull that off?

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