Varian in Skyhold

Yes, one died to Illidans hand, the other at the end of Legion.

In probably the most embarrassing mode of execution ever… So many fist jokes I could make XD…

Yea that’s the important part, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the writers whip it up so somehow The Light (Elune?) preserved a sliver of Varian’s soul. Perhaps not for any full-bodied reincarnation, but as a part of pulling Anduin back out of the Jailer’s enslavement.

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Anduin is a death knight.

He’s not dead. So no. He’s just dominated by the armor and sword. Still alive. Still who he was. Just a puppet.

Not sure what that has to do with factual lore. But okay.

In my opinion, the more salient example is Uuna. Her soul was amalgamated via fel into an Urzul on Argus for millenia, for Odyn’s sake. If that didn’t corrode or destroy her soul in the slightest, and was subsequently cast into the maw(our first conceptual glimpse of it, too, I believe), I would say there is precedent for fel magic using souls, but ultimately not obliterating them. That appears to only be doable in the SL itself.

Shhhh… No more tears now, only dreams.


I think its cute how you all are willing to argue over this like the setting of WoW has
consistent rules that are adhered to.


I honestly wouldn’t put it past them to do this.

Varian should stay disenchanted (?). It will cheapen his sacrifice. Although, it can’t be worse than being made into a trinket that our characters will sell to a vendor in the next patch :sweat_smile:



Yes, the alternate universe one was disenchanted by Illidan, but the other one died a long time ago in the tomb by a bunch of demons during the events of WarCraft 2.

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Ah yeah that’s how it happened, remembered wrong. I just remember doing the Draenor opening quests, letting him loose and thinking it was dumb. This was gonna bite us later. Then Legion happened.

Also, if they never use Varian. They could use Tiffen. I am not still doubting Varian because Jaina’s brother was burned to a crisp by a dragon, then found at the bottom of the ocean still intact. Sometimes Blizz also forgets their own lore.


Without doubt, the most intelligent comment in the thread. Arguing over technical lore at this stage of the game is a rather silly endeavor. Lore is whatever the grand spinning wheel of blizz writing RNG happens to land on today. :+1:


I’d imagine the manner in which one dies is pretty important. Like, a supercharged warlock probably didn’t execute Aliothe by disintegrating her with raw fel energy.

I think that it is implied that if Aloithe was on a planet that the Legion conquered, then none were spared and that if she herself was slain while fighting the Legion, it seems reasonable to assume that her soul would’ve been corrupted or used as fuel.

But even on Argus there was non-Legion life, so again, inconsistent.

Point being don’t expect Blizzard to play by their own rules that they themselves set up. They will absolutely do whatever they want. If they want Varian in SL, they’ll add him in.

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How difficult would it be to place his ashes inside a Urn with a Stormwind shield crest.

/becides we did have a Urn of Vol’jin.

Last I saw Varian, he was the green gas that makes up an Abominations fart at the house of constructs in Maldraxxus :grin:

I cannot divulge such information, as doing so would compromise my totally not-gnome agents in the field.

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Please do not insult DK’s with that association. Bad enough Bolvar is making them look bad. Lich King? More like replace that L with a B and we get a better sounding title for him.

Anduin is a soul stoned Manchurian candidate puppet. And still alive.

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