Vanquisher Title Removed as of 8.1?


Ticket submitted and fortunately, I had one toon I didn’t log into since the patch that still has the title. I screenshot’ed for proof. Would recommend the same.

Bump. I too am missing my Vanquisher title.

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where da titles

bumping for sadness :frowning: halp blizz

Why is this still not fixed? BUMP

Bump, still nothing from blizz

anything yet?

Had it on most of my toons since Wrath please fix this.

fixage inc?

while we’re here do you guys remember back in wod when there was the damage bug? after they finally restarted servers like 5h after it was discovered and people qd the sht out of rated arenas a certain mage streamer would deliberately queue into those (neither eh nor his teammates had the bug since it disappeared after logging out hence the aforementioned server restart) and lost like 500 rating. a few days later blizzard ‘fixed’ it and he ofc gained his rating back in the meantime so they took it off again
(bug: lost rating to bug abusers, after bug fixed: gained rating back, after bug discovered folks tried to make things right and remove the illegitimate rating xD)

another good one is the ‘after season’ or w/e it was called with bfa prepatch where they ‘forgot’ to take the rating rewards off the vendors. instead of removing the items that were gained after season was over they simply took them off the vendors like half a week later.

2 little anecdotes to remind us where we’ve been. let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Still waiting for my title to be restored!

Still waiting

Bump, still waiting

Bump. Title is still missing.

Bump. Not in recent bug fix patch notes. Title still missing.

Forum Moderator Note: This is a known issue that we’re working on. This topic has been locked as repeatedly bumping a topic is considered spam.