Vanish is not true to OG WOTLK -- Clips / Proof provided

How vanished used to work in WOTLK

Vanish is now breaking instantly with the WOTLK prepatch.

Vanish is not breaking NPC Aggro

Vanish is getting broken instantly by other players attacks and NPC attacks.

Can no longer vanish to avoid spells if timed right.

vanish does not consistently work at all.

There is suppose to be a small window of immunity during vanish so it does not instantly break while taking damage.

I am no longer able to vanish-> cheapshot or vanish → garrote while being attacked.

This is not how it was in all of TBC and not how it was back in original WOTLK.

Example Clip 1

Example Clip 2

Small window of immunity from OG wotlk here, the other player vanished his cheapshot, it says immune.

Gif below is not WOTLK like, if it was true to wrath this vanish would be immune to the cheapshot


Gayfather is experiencing the same issues.

Please fix this, Blizzard!!


shameless bump


Pls look into this, the ability is significantly degraded since the pre patch hit

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Experiencing the same problem. Pls fix.


bumping again

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bumping added clips

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Yes, vanish feels really really bad atm.


bumping again with video of immunity

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bumping for awareness

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bumping for awareness

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bumping again

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Gay mother also hates this bug pls fix.

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What patch were those clips and what patch version is classic wrath on?

Vanish has been messed with dozens of times over the life of WoW and you could just be having false memories of some earlier or later patch where vanish behaved the way you think you remember it.

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3.X wotlk videos… exact patch unknown

another bump hoping for fix

bumping again

bumping again

bumping again