Vanilla WoW World Record Speedrunner Joana Passed Away

World of Warcraft speedrunner and Vanilla WoW World Recold holder Joana, also known as FuriousPaul, passed away yesterday, as confirmed by a family member and the Twitter/X account of TomCatsTours.

Back in January 2006, Joana fully recorded his sixth Level 1-60 speedrun on the Jubei’Thos server with [a total playtime of 4 days and 20 hours] - an astonishing record that was bound to last for over a decade.

Known for his incredible achievements and respected by the WoW community, Joana started to write World of Warcraft leveling guides, which helped players around the globe through their adventures for many, many years to come.

In 2020, Paul published an article on his personal website, talking about his severe heart condition. In a Tiktok video shared on Twitter, Paul’s sister confirms the death of her brother and asks the gaming community for emotional support.


This is sad. Sending prayers and thoughts to their family :frowning:


I was shocked to read about it, I still use his guides they are fantastic. RIP Joana. :pensive: