"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

LMAO okay for a minute I thought you were being serious. Good talk.


mechanically, yes, but otherwise no. retail is simplified to the moment you step in the raid portal. vanilla is not simplifed though the raid has easier mechanics, your character is nerfed. hehe

Tedium & Time sinks != difficulty.

I love how rose-tinted nostalgic people desperately clings to the illusion that vanilla was hard in any way other than being a bigger timesink. Nevermind that modern bosses recycle mechanic from old bosses all the time, usually combining several of them together in some tougher overlap , with insta-wipe mechanics slipped in if not handled properly on mythic…

Bonus point when they never touched a mythic raid in the past 5 years…or ever raided vanilla naxx for the matter.


hahahahahah! dude you’re too much.

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An interesting signature… Wonder if someone’s main got to take a bit of a vacation…

Ah well, either way… Wow has never been hard in any way. Time consuming and tedious, sure. But, not hard.

Classic & retail will be fun in different ways, and both are still decent games with many flaws.

retail is simplified? compared to all the abilities we had in MoD ( even if we didn’t use a large chunk of them) maybe.

compared to classic? yeah no. so many classic spec have 1-2 button ‘rotations’ with no CD or external to keep track of, and the trickiest part about gearing is accepting that leather DPS piece can be upgrade for warriors and hunters.

the time spent lvl’ing or farming low-lvl TS stuff for consumable , aka timesinks, != difficulty… just tedium.

no i dont mean mechanically, i mean the whole game. vanilla as a game, the whole game, is more difficult, not mechanically. in retail, i can buy level 110 and solo quest to end game, queue for various things.

Did you clear naxx40 in vanilla?


Do you back cap mythic raids?

Do you do them while they are current?

Now the ppl that did clear can say what they will but most that did never said it was easy.

Even on some pserver they never stated Naxx40 was easy.

The only way to find out is to clear it yourself.

that’s the first boss of the new raid. a loot pinata. something that trade chat pug will beat on week 1.

he combines Thaddius ( naxx abom wing end boss) abilities with naj’entus (first boss black temple) abilities and some various soaking mechanic + a maze-like gauntlet.

Get this, a pumped-up version of one of the 6 toughest boss of naxx40… is now a loot pinata by modern standard.

but you apparently never touched a modern mythic raid, so what would you know.

1 to 2 button rotation was mostly from scripts and addons.

Blizzard removing those.

and the timesinks != difficulty point has been made many times.

just because it take minutes to kill a single mob doesn’t make the game harder, just longer.

by your standard EQ1 would be the toughest MMO ever… yet it’s so trivial people play 6 character at the same time just to give themselve a bit of action.

Name a debuff from a modern raid that wipes 40 people in under 8 seconds. The issue isn’t mechanics. Also, if you really think modern WoW raid mechanics are tough, then you must really have a low bar for what you consider a mental challenge.

I really can’t think of many classes that would use more than 2-3 buttons per raid encounter besides a combat rogue who has two external CD’s and has to keep SnD while SS/Evisc

A warlock will Curse of Shadows/Element, shadowbolt, life tap and drain life.

Warriors will Bloodthirst, whirlwind, use heroic strike as a rage dump and switch to battle stance whenever Overpower triggers.

Mages will Frostbolt/Decurse/Blizzard in MC and move to Scorch (1 mage) Fireball/Decurse/Blizzard and get 1 CD in Combustion.

Hunters will Aimed Shot weave, dump Arcane shots if they have extra mana will be Tranq/Nightfall bots otherwise.

Someone help me out here.

i understand what you mean but i translate the complications of vanilla, as difficulty, but not mechanically difficult. also, part of what makes it difficult is the delayed gratification concept. takes longer, more patience required, but has satisfying results. i’m willing to endure some tedium in exchange for the pay off at the end.

Yes, current CE raider. you can see it in my profile.

Yes, raided vanilla naxx. up to the 4 horsemen at which point my guild tanks got cannibalized by another guild stuck at the same point.

14 years ago I tougth naxx was hard as hell. nowadays when I compared those fight with M garrosh -> M Jaina… they are a joke.

I even went through the same ‘’ but we had less tools to deal with mechanic before!’’ phase… all that really meant is that the answer is ‘’ heal more / nuke harder’’ and that you don’t have to figure out the optimal rotation / useage of the plethora of CD available to your raid ( with an encounter tuned around you smartly using all of them)… and god help us if your raid comp change because people take break, and you have to change all your assignments…

When we did Garr fight, as a priest, I would be expected to keep up Fear Ward / R1 Fort / R1 Divine Spirit on the MT and one of each class would have their trash buffs expected to try to act as dispel protection. The snare would also need to be dispelled off a tank when dragging the add away to detonate. Immolate would also need to be dispelled.
To give you an idea, as a dwarf priest I would have to cast mainly these spells in that specific fight.

Greater Heal
Flash Heal
Greater Mana Pots
R1 Fort
R1 Divine Spirit
Fear Ward

Keep in mind. This was in MC, the easiest raid.

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was circle of healing in vanilla?

If you noticed I didn’t mention healers because it was expected to use multiple ranks of abilities and I didn’t include consumables because they’re not part of a ‘rotation’.

So, if you weren’t fighting Garr you’re down to

You didn’t even mention Greater Heal. Also, no Renew R1 for dispel Protection or you know the one RDruid designated to tank heal with R1’s of Rejuv/Regrowth because you couldn’t stack the same HoT.

Yeah you’re right my bad. Rushed in typing out the post. So 7 spells total + mana pots as a dwarf priest. (Not including downranking)

I didn’t do r1 renew just because of the short duration and already had other things to focus on.