"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

Only because they were unprepared for the unfathomable difficulty of the Defias Pillager who claimed more lives than most raid bosses and even Hogger himself.


I don’t have time to list all of the basic game/combat mechanics that were removed to make raiding easier over the years. Nor all the abilities, buffs and cooldowns classes were given specifically to make raiding easier.

Pre and post 3.0 aren’t even the same game.

hum… yes. yes it is.

juggling with few dozen mechanic at once on M Jaina VS having only 1 or 2 mechanic to keep track of for most of classic is difficulty.

Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man

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we totally agree that for CE guild, doing classic will be a walk in the park.

first-week AoTC guild will also cruise through classic ; there’s no new mechanic, and if you can get AoTC in 2-3 raid night you learn quickly.

heroic progression guild… that depend on how much dead weight they actually carry. MC is doable with like 20 people. BWL have few unusual mechanic but you can pump DPS through pretty much everything. if people aren’t willing to farm resist gear then AQ huhuran will be a wall… but if you can kill heroic ghuun / jaina then nothing in classic is more complex then those fight.

normal-mode raider … well, normal mode is tuned for people who need to watch 2 kids while raiding… they’ll still do MC no problem.

let’s not talk about LFR.

it’s objective reality.

having to keep track of multiple mechanic at the same time, those mechanic having RNG effect on where they’ll spawn / who they’ll target, being highly unforgiving ( a single missed interrupt , in your 10-man rotation, on M cabal = automatic wipe) is objectively harder than the one or two mechanic happening in classic.

The DPS/ HPS check are definately tuned tighter, as opposed to MC where half your raid can be asleep and you’ll still make it… even in naxx, the amount of Heigan kills where a good chunk of the raid died to the first dance…

Mana management in classic basically revolve around 2 variable : downranking your spell and chugging mana pot every 2 minute… you don’t have CD rotation, 7+ different healing spell, external rotation, or having to find a 10-second window to drink your sleep potion.

even planning DPS CD , where you’ll need to pot, where to bloodlust in order to maximize DPS for the entire raid…

Can you point out one objective metric where classic is more complex than modern mythic? Having to farm low lvl TS mats 20 hours per week is unarguably a timesink, not difficulty.

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You do realize only a handful of guilds world wide completed vanilla naxx, right? In what world do actually believe vanilla naxx is a walk in the park? Are you a troll? Because you sound like a troll.

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well to be fair to him, we’ve had several years of private server vanilla, so people learned the fights inside and out, not to mention wotlk naxx, so at least mechanically its a known thing vs. when vanilla was current.

also that vid i posted about safety dance, shows a pug basically acing it, meaning its widespread enough knowledge amongst the population that even a pug is one shoting the encounter.

Then again to be fair that was WOTLK naxx. You could bring 13 people into wotlk 25 naxx and clear it with competent players.

ah was it? how does the vanilla version of the fight compare? here we go again. haha.

Well players are doing a lot less damage and have a lot less hp so you know XD

is there an enrage timer on all naxx vanilla bosses? did i mention i despise the patchwerk fight?

This, right here.

I considered Pokemon to be challenging when I first played it, because I didn’t fully intuitively understand everything that was going on. Now I lament the ease with which the game is beaten.

I considered Morrowind to be extremely challenging when I first played, but now that I understand how to pull the most out of my build and style I find it to be fairly easy for the most part.

Once we truly understand how to master a system, the only “difficulty” is either artificial (inflated health and decreased damage), random (not always being able to respond or having things fail), or technical (twitch based gaming).

Classic will be more “challenging” in the sense that you’ll need to use more to stay alive in certain situations, such as having to actually keep and use health pots when you pull extra mobs in the world. It will be more “challenging” in the sense that you’ll sometimes have to pay attention to buffs/debuffs (compared to now when world mob debuffs are a joke), and react accordingly (pop a potion, defensive, etc).

It will not, strictly, be technically or mentally challenging, though. That’s usually what people mean when they say it won’t be difficult. It won’t be a game that requires mental or physical dexterity. That doesn’t mean, however, that the game world won’t be more “challenging” in the sense that it’s more dangerous.

in a world where we have ton of private server where people are clearing naxx on the first or second reset… where people are challenging eachother to speedrunning naxx.

in a world where people have been raiding for over a decade, and are now used to mechanic thrice as complex as anything naxx can offer to the point that Thaddius isn’t even worthy of being an entry-level boss, as we see in the eternal palace.

in a world where server transfer / faction transfer / stuff like that exist, so recruitment will be waaay easier.

I also played in vanilla, and raided naxx in vanilla… all the strats are now known, dps optimization, PC actually able to handle 40 man raid, better UIs, voice comm is as wide spread as air conditioning…

Comparing Vanilla Naxx to WoTLK Naxx is comparing apples to oranges. The fights are mechanically the same, but that’s not what made Vanilla Naxx hard. There was plenty of online materials detailing the mechanics of the fight.

The difficulty was how unforgiving the fights were based on the gear vanilla players had access to. Watch the entire video I posted earlier. The locust debuff will wipe an entire raid in less than 8 seconds. In WOTLK Naxx, you could almost ignore it completely.

Apples to Oranges.

remember the cadaver worms debuff in stratholme? lasted like a half hour or something crazy like

Cadaver Worms Disease

150 Shadow damage inflicted every 10 sec.
Health regeneration rate reduced by 100%.
600 seconds remaining

WoW isn’t hard in general

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“a ton of private server” …what are you even talking about? How many private servers are doing this? Also, it’s common knowledge that private server’s data are plainly wrong for a lot of boss mechanics, not to mention armor/dmg coefficients.

Honestly man, if you’re going to debate people, don’t go throwing out phrases like “ton of private server”. You’re reaching and you should be embarrassed. Come with facts, links, etc.

Did you watch the video I posted detailing how difficult vanilla naxx was…with facts? The video completely ignores mechanics. It’s about gear, attunements, consumables, damage values.

Give it a rest, my dude.

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Gearing. Before all the min/maxes available knowing what caps were required to be effective in combat/tanking/living had to be known. Todays game just throws you gear for logging on, you don’t have to be as picky with secondary stats nearly as much.

Todays game ilvl is king. In Classic theres lvl 58 blues that are BiS in the game because of the variables they present. Gearing back then, having multiple sets for all your specs/situations was alot more daunting of a task. Today, I switch specs I only have to change out a handful of pieces.

plainly wrong… even if, that ‘wrong’ can be higher or lower.

if you want a list of server / video, just youtube it. you’ll have plenty of link.

and yeah, I’m sure you can find a bunch of nostalgic youtubers who claim naxx was sooooo hard cough kungen cough or produce a long list of timesinks (consumable, attunement), or conveniently point out the dmg/HP value of abilities while not pointing out it’s basically the only thing happening in the fight at moment and you have a dozen of healers / 5 spare tank to cover it…

it’s still a cakewalk compared to modern mythic raid.