"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

This video does a really good job explaining why old naxx was extremely difficult. It has very little to do with “oh lol we were just dumb back then” and everything to do with, holy hell this raid is very unforgiving. A lot of the curses/dmg etc had the same values (or very close) in vanilla as it did in wrath.

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what did cloth wearers have in vanilla naxx? is it 3500? hamsterwheel probably was comparing vanilla clothies to wotlk tanks and its causing all this chaos lol

Priest with full T2 level gear/Benediction will have around 3.5k hp unbuffed.

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ty sir. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

so anub’rekhan did almost the same damage with locust swarm in vanilla naxx as wotlk naxx, yet clothies had around 3500 hp in vanilla (before buffs) vs. 20000 hp in wotlk naxx (before buffs?)

he says (in the video) that it only took 3-4 ticks of locust swarm to kill ya in vanilla naxx (assuming you’re a clothie)

Welfare epics didn’t exist in Vanilla. Months prior to the pre-tbc patch there were plenty of casual guilds who struggled to down Rag and complete ZG.

Welfare epics weren’t really a thing until Wrath. I played religiously through Vanilla-TBC took a big break during early Wrath. Came back to the game when ICC started… I hit 80 did “heroics” for badges was carried by friends and guildies. Was in ICC within 2 weeks of hitting 80.

I’m looking at videos and I see Priests with T2 and Benediction at 4.5k health. I see a video of a Shadow Priest on Patchwerk using T2.5 and he had 5.7k health.

Actually, on the pull the T2 Priest went up to 5k HP and stayed that way throughout the fight (Twin Emps).

3.5k unbuffed. You’re looking at priests buffed.

Yeah? I know that.

The way you worded it made it sound like you were inferring that priests had 4.5k hp unbuffed. Just a misunderstanding.

is t2.5 naxx gear?

T2.5 is AQ40

My bad, I’m just posting the numbers they had in raids in these videos.

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WoW was easy mode comparred its peers.

You could lose over a year of gil(ffxi currency) over one failed synth…

Here’s one of the videos if anyone is curious. Really good quality, one of the few you can actually make out the HP numbers:

so 4.5-5.7k hp buffed clothie, vanilla naxx
whats buffed clothie hp in wotlk naxx ?

almost same damage on locust swarm. … is that correct?


No idea, probably.

Around 22k in WOTLK naxx for clothies. WOTLK naxx was a cakewalk though.

we’re establishing the difficulty level of vanilla, not mechanically, but just from sheer unforgiving things like locust swarm damage. so it would be helpful to know precisely.

Well, I think it was pretty dang difficult to get hit by Locust Swarm but I could be wrong as I never did the fight in Vanilla Naxx (until I cheesed it in TBC.)

first time i ran wotlk naxx we wiped on locust swarm. of course it was a pugged raid and no one had the faintest idea what they were doing . its a sure bet none of us had done vanilla naxx