"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

I cant comment for other backgrounds but as far as “hard” goes i came from Everquest over to wow. ( one of the original wow devs i think said wow was made to be a casual version of EQ ) So no leveling, questing and gearing wasnt hard for its time , it was by far much more friendly however compared to todays games some people will find wow very hard.

2 weeks refer to the amount of reset.

aka clear within 1 or 2 reset. There is a question of frost resist for sapph / getting tank 2 pc so taunt don’t miss ( lovely classic mechanic), or how long between the release of AQ and naxx… obviously if you are entering naxx with MC gear because the server released raids super quick… you’ll have an issue.

there’s youtube video showing all of naxx cleared in 4 hours if that’s what you are interested in.

and yes, even in naxx you’d have underperforming DPSer, healers and tank. hopefully by naxx tanks and mastered their 1 button rotation, so that comment was more for MC-BWL people, but having issues taunt swapping ( who is a mechanic so easy even modern LFR have it) on 4 horseman…? yeah, people were awful.

Eternal palace first boss is basically a combinaison of Thaddius + naj’entus… and as the first boss of the instance, it’s considered a loot pinata.

If you think naxx40 difficulty even approach modern mythic raiding… you are totally delusionnal. You could combine 3 naxx bosses together and they’d have fewer mechanic than just one phase of Jaina.

Hard and easy is all debatable because each person find things to have different difficulties. Wow was in easy in comparison to other mmos at the time as it was first off easy to pick up and play the learning curve and punishment wasn’t as steep as some games that were on the market and that was whole point.

Leveling was pretty easy to learn but the time needed was hard to dedicate. After a few levels you were pretty much into the flow of things. Even though the time dedication was less in wow compared to lets EQ it still was a long and tedious process and micro managing your gold was a bit of a mission.

5 mans and raids mechanics were a lot bit simpler then some other games and even retail. The biggest was managing your CC. In retail you can do a lot in combat that in vanilla you couldn’t do once in combat. Hunter for example could trap while in combat their trap had to be set prior to the pull so if they messed it that CC was out for the pull where in retail they can wait till the pull then trap for better results. Most of your CC was used to lessen the mobs that came at you all at once. Something that has become more complicated as now mobs have a bunch of mechanics you need to interrupt, purge, silence, dispel etc. All and all mechanics in vanilla wow were pretty cut and dry.

The biggest challenge doesn’t mean its difficultly was hard to learn just difficult was to get people ready and geared and attuned for raids making sure you had 40 people making sure your set up was the proper one.

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and respawn rates on resources are high for farming mats needed for your various bandages, potions, flasks, elixirs and food buffs. to keep from having to spawn additional servers, private servers have drastically increased respawns and huge populations, which means more people to choose from to recruit for raiding. better spread of talented players, quicker replacement options if someone cant be there

You had said

You are contradicting yourself here. First you say that they may need specific pieces of gear to do the fight so taunt doesn’t miss. Then you say that the tanks are bad because that have issues taunt swapping when that can’t even be controlled.

I’m not trying to discredit mythic. We all have seen that mythic raids are difficult.

That being said I wouldn’t be surprised if the only people that are going to be clearing naxx are the same people clearing mythic raids. There are a lot more mechanics in Mythic raids, but there are also a lot of factors that no longer come into play that were in Vanilla as discussed above by many of the other posters.

Of course, people who did endgame content, didn’t know how threat worked or what downranking was.

The absolute idiocy.


on private servers, all the talent is on the same server. that alone makes it entirely different than official wow

they had issues moving bosses during taunt swap, or taunting at bad time causing chain lightning / meteor / marks to overlap. not the actual key press.

taunt missing is one of those annoying classic mechanic where taunt had a chance to miss and war 2pc set took that out. it was one of the few time in WoW history were funneling gear to tank made sense. if you aren’t lucky with your first clear then this may be an issue ( hence the second clear)… but it’s still only a small % chance to fail, and you have mocking blow as a second option aswell.

‘‘lot of factor that no longer come into play’’ … people keep harping this, pointing out mana management…

mana management ( for healer) is harder than it has ever been before. Go do a 8-10 min long fight with constant AoE damage without running out of mana… you need great coordination between healer for CDs, good knowledge of the fight as to not overheal, actually find a moment you can idle for 10s in order to drink your potion… that’s helluva harder than classic ‘mana management’’ which was really just downranking heals and brainlessly chugging a mana pot every 2 min.

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Considering you can theoretically down patchwerk with 6 dps warriors that can pull 1.5k dps, no vanilla isn’t hard. It is just a lot of work.

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I think it really depends on what parts of the game we’re talking about. For instance, the game is very heavily invested in rewarding timesinks (attunements, etc) and those aren’t hard at all from a “twitch gamer” perspective but they require another kind of commitment. I didn’t raid in Vanilla but I have raided so I don’t know how hard it will be, but getting there will require some time and that’s not exactly easy.

they didnt knew how to taunt swap, or how to do the heigan dance, or how to balance DPS on noth, or how to move on thaddius, or how to stand behind ice cube on sapph… tons of stuff that’s trivial by modern standard.

you are largely overestimating vanilla naxx players. are you a fan of Kungen, perhaps?

that hamsterwheel video i posted said that the anub’rekhan fight did almost the same amount of damage on locust swarm in vanilla as it did in wotlk version, yet the players had 3,500 hp in vanilla vs. 40,000 hp in wotlk. it’s not a complicated mechanic its simply INSANELY unforgiving. it sounds as if you only survived many bosses by sheer luck.

It’s more like 6000 hp as a raider at naxx.

In comparison to today raids and familiarity no naxx isn’t some big unkillable beast. However in back in vanilla when it was released it was a huge jump but not necessary in omg so hard but back then having a raid filled with gimmicky wasn’t the norm. AQ introduced some but most of the other fights in the raids prior were pretty straight forward you could have people face eat mechanics and it wasn’t a death sentence. Naxx was the beginning of more gimmicky mechanics to more bosses that really required you to do them and some do well or you were wiping fast.

Patchwork had the hateful strike it would require you to make sure your tanks were topped of in healing or risk a melee dps getting cleaved in the face.

Grobbulus was a lot of tank kiting and cleansing and people knowing to run out and timing your cleanse so you don’t drop clouds in the middle.

Gluth had a handful of mechanics that were a must.

Thaddius between even dpsing the adds and the fact if people didn’t pay attention to their debuffs they could make it bad very quickly.

That is just the first wing. Before naxx and even AQ you usually had a boss or 2 mostly the last big boss that came with a boatload of gimmicky mechanics where naxx was just about every boss you encountered. In naxx many people had to pull out their under used spells and start using them. something that back in 1.11 was very new and learning but now is a norm for us.

is that based on whether you were a tank/melee vs. clothie?

DPS and healers had like 20k HP in WoTLK Naxx.

heck even lag monsters killed ya in naxx. i recall a lag spike where i ran off the tube you had to run along between fights.

Pre-raid BiS depending on the class could be that low, but by naxx almost everything has a good amount of stamina combined with buffs that are available.

what did they have in vanilla naxx? dont confuse me lol hes saying they had 6k in vanilla naxx. yet hamsterwheel is saying 3500. so i asked is that cloth wearers vs tanks? and you start talking about wotlk naxx . ahhhhhhh. confusion

I started talking about WoTLK Naxx because you did…