"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

99% of actual mythic raiders never care about gear. They enjoy the bosses. Its been like that since day1.

Sure if you have only 6 brain cells and do the easiest content in the game.

Lfr isnt content. Its free cinematics.

Yeah. The mechanics were not as complicated but one person out of 40 could wipe you in a heartbeat. Who is “The bomb”? Someone always seemed to screw the pooch.

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Casual means less playing time. I didnt say casual means ‘noob’. Vanilla was not casual friendly becoz some of its features are annoying… takes a lot of time to get around it. In vanilla, you may only do 1 dungeon in an hour, thats it. In BFA, i could have done 2x Mythic+10, 1 run of island expedition and some world quests on 1 hour. Casuals can do more content in BFA.

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Sure you can do a mythic + that fast if your doing literally the easiest ones.

The thing is it was so close in terms of dps and enrage times and such. Losing a few people out of the 40 would put you over the edge and it’d be a wipe. Maybe mechanics now are more complicated overall but there’s also more room for small errors and losing people.

Once people started heavily gearing up the earlier raids were much easier. Of course with things like AQ40 and Naxx40 there wasn’t much gearing up you could do since they were the very endgame of vanilla.

It is hard, and it remained hard till the end of Burning Crusade, then got tuned down a bit in Wrath, but still challenging. After Cata it was tuned down much more.

Reason why Vanilla was hard is because the gear meant something, doing everything needed effort, a group effort, doing dungeons meant you have to go the to the summoning stone to find a group, then wait for 2 others to summon the rest of your team. This meant the risk of getting ganked by another full group.

Quests didn’t toss purples or blues at you, and gold had it’s worth, I remember being capped on Gold back in Wrath, 216k where you couldn’t loot more gold… In Vanilla i was a king with my 263g and my epic mount.

Dungeons were bigger and not straight forward, raids were bigger (needless to say it needed 40 people). Everything was on an epic scale. The game today is a water downed version of what it used to be. Seeing people in epic gear in major cities (Ironforge and Org) was something, you’d know players by their names, now everyone is just no-one (back then there were no server merges, you’d only see your own server players. And knowing geared / well known players would get you vouched to better guilds.

Anyway, I’ll stop the preaching. Vanilla was hard in general, because everything took an effort, from raids to dungeons. There was no flying (duh), that meant long and risky to move around to dungeon locations. Raids meant you come prepared with flasks and potions, which costed money. “come prepared” meant Come with arrows, candles, mark of kings… ahhh WoW was great back then.

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It does though. You can only measure overall difficulty by the floor needed to see content. God of War on its hardest difficulty is harder than Sekiro, but that doesn’t matter because I can see all of God of War on easy, therefore the only necessity to see the content is easy. That is then the base for the game.

The moment a game gives you an easy mode, the harder modes can ONLY be optional content. They are no longer core to seeing the content, nor are core to the game itself. So id say Retails core content is actually LFR, the rest of the difficulties mean what exactly? Nothing. Thats the problem with Retail and is why no one really cares about your Mythic claims, because they don’t mean anything. Vanillas core difficulties meant something, it was the base, and thus the only means to ever achieving your end. That was called content progression and without it WoW has been a pointless mess.

wrong bud… Patch 1.12 saw the awarding of rank 12+ pvp rewards (armor and weapons) available via honor points. There’s your vanilla welfare epics

WoW isn’t hard

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Wrong. Honor points were not introduced until the pre-tbc patch 2.0.

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Ok, I stand corrected. Patch 2.0 is correct. They were still welfare epics and available in vanilla

If you consider patch 2.0 vanilla…

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Pre BC expansion, so yes it was. released in Dec 2006

The patch that existed for the last month of Vanilla and fundamentally changed every class. You consider that part of Vanilla. The thing that will have nothing to do with Classic Wow.

Guild name fits.

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Argue the point all you want, the patch was release in December. No need to get your panties in a bunch because you want to win an internetz argument

The only thing groups consistently had trouble with during the Molten Core Anniversary thing was the Corehounds.

The mages i’d go with would refuse to decurse since they were used to just hitting their head on the keyboard and spamming DPS. Took a few wipes for them to start to listen and even then it was only a few actually doing it.

so, since we can run molten core at 120 / watch youtube video, we’ve seen all of classic and it’s pisspoor easy.

c’mon, you couldn’t be serious with that argument… LFR fight and mythic fight aren’t even the same

Do you think watching a video is akin to playing? 120 wasn’t a core part of progression either, it was a side fun throwback, like most of current Retail, thats the point.

Of course Mythic is dramatically harder than LFR and harder than Vanilla in many ways mechanically speaking. The problem is that it really doesn’t mean anything when its not a core aspect of the game, nor is it the core of the game needed to see the content. Its literally side/optional content for those who want difficulty for the sake of difficulty, some people prefer difficulty for the sake of progression. This is called content progression. Its why games like Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and the multiple indie games featuring 1 brutal level of difficulty are taking off. Because if a game is made with one difficulty its then the core of the game, in fact, that is the game. There is no cheap way to see the end and thus the end actually matters from a gamers PoV.

Retail is simply made for casuals on its base. It features optional difficulty levels, but they have no purpose. Beating Illidan wasn’t just about downing him in a difficulty mode, it was about “beating Illidan”. He existed as one being. Jaina exists as 4 different concepts, the entire concept is watered down, the fight is made next to meaningless and thus the entire idea feels pointless and hollow.

This has nothing to do with watching Youtube videos. Thats a completely different discussion regarding personal experience vs passively watching. This could be applied to Mythic as well, but I would never say watching a Youtube video on Mythic is the same as me beating it. This should be obvious and im sort of thinking you are trolling.