"Vanilla Wow wasn't hard"

  1. At low levels, true. From mid to high levels, most classes are capable of pulling large packs. The difference is that you can’t just stand there, you have to know how to handle it.

  2. Having to do 10 kill x mobs quest instead of doing 5 doesn’t make the game harder, it makes it slower. The difficulty is completely identical.

  3. Every 60 could solo level 40 dungeons.

  4. Most elites could be soloed by someone who knows what they’re doing. The key named almost impossible to solo elites, things like that still exist in the game.

  5. That’s an actual difference in difficulty

  6. Raid on mythic and it’s the same.

  7. Not really. Today is just the result of years of inflation. But in vanilla, if you put a whole 15 minutes of thought and planning into it, making money is easy. There’s so many different things that you could do to sell. Use your professions (even blacksmithing has high demand things to make money), get keys that people tend to skip, open boxes, win things on the auction house with low starting bids and resell, or control the price market on the AH, sell portals and food, take the couple hours to be able to make food with buffs and sell those to raiders, sell low level dungeon runs, sell raw mats. Gold is really easy to make, you just have to actually do it.

  8. The mentality about PvP changed 10 years ago. Blizzard constantly put alliance and horde right on top of each other, and nobody was killing. PvP servers aren’t going to be what they were back then. The novelty wore off.

Have you ever played a “difficult” MMO? Even EVE is just grinding, not so much difficult. More to the point, Vanilla mechanics tended to not be flashy like the mechanics of later expansions. If you’ve run heroic cata dungeons/raids or mythic level runs on other expansions, Vanilla stuff is going to be easy.

The part of dungeons/raids where people actually mess up in vanilla usually, isn’t on the boss mechanics, it’s on accidentally pulling too many mobs, or not managing mana correctly. Basic skills that matter a lot more when the content is slower and the raids involve a lot more people whose time is wasted if they do it wrong.

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its like paying jaina isn’t hard once 8.2 is out or something

I tried Jaina once on LFR just to see what the modern raiding was like (and to complete the War Campaign lore).

The biggest thing I noticed was that we wiped once, because people didn’t know to run out (which was basically listed in the journal) and then the 2nd time she “died”.

I know its not Mythic Raiding, but at the LFR level it was far more faceroll than anything in MC.

Frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt…

I cant imagine a more different experience then a final boss on LFR vs mythic…

Even something simple like the whole raid handling multi-sided strike on mythic Jadefire would be pretty complicated for a lot of guilds.

Its also the experience for the vast majority of players these days.

It wasn’t hard. It was incredibly tedious. It’s what we had at the time.

Well considering that LFR is still more complicated than MC and people are able to handle the mechanics relatively well that really just says more about how much people sucked during vanilla.

Lol anybody here remember how much trouble people were having for when the MC anniversary was available for LFR?


In Mythic? Almost everything if handled incorrectly.


Just a few of the abilities on Jaina that can kill the entire raid in a couple seconds.

This is where you didn’t read my first post. LFR isn’t more complicated than MC, because you can ignore most of the “mechanics”. Or at least, the brief experiences with it, it seemed like the only person actually reading even the Encounter Journal was me.

And yet you explained how they failed a mechanic wiped, and then succeeded on the second try presumably because they didn’t fail the mechanic. God I wish some groups I was in in vanilla learned that fast.

No it just says those mechanics are generally ignorable noise in retail. If Vanilla actually had a mechanic it mattered when you got to it, not after you beat the same raid hundreds of times to get to the perceived “real” difficulty. The real difficulty was just baseline in Vanilla and is why retail feels like a pointless slog.

heh one time i actually agree with galdor.

freakin jaina is a beast.

there are however things in classic raids that will kill a raid just as quickly . the locust swarm from the anub boss in the spider wing for instance.

there is difficulty in classic to be had.

the real thing that made it hard was the tuning and gear checks.

i seem to remember a video stating that naxx in wrath was tuned with near the same numbers as its vanilla counterpart cause the tuning was so tight in vanilla that it diddnt need to be tuned higher in something 20 levels higher.

dont quote me on that though.

The only real way to tell would be to take players from 2005, time travel them to the future and put them in a mythic raid in BFA and see how they do ( with no explanation of the game and no explanation of the fights but access to the internet) My guess would be they never make it past the first boss. Do the same with a raid group from BFA ( in this case 2 since the groups are smaller) throw them back in VANILLA wow in 2005 ( i would give them all the consumables and resist gear they needed) and see how they do. My guess is with both having access to the internet and fight mechanics, the BFA raidgroup would steamroll nax in a matter of hours but the classic raid group would not clear the mythic raid. I don’t count something as being time consuming as being hard which is why I don’t count the grind for consumables in vanilla as part of the difficulty. Just my two cents.

The mechanic was “Move to the left”. When everyone was told to move to the left, the fight was won. That’s not exactly “Hunters unequip bows! Priests Hots and Shields only!”

Never said it was each raid provides a difficulty not all as in current.

Even in T3 you will not be able to solo lvl 60 dungeons.

You can farm adds or kill last boss in N-DM by kiting.

You might be able to do mara but I am sure it won’t be easy. Because you would have skip the lizards and two giant rock guys and some bosses.
So, it wouldn’t be a true clear. That is a lvl 45 to 50 dungeon. That with full T3.

Only a few class will be pulling a pack of mobs. Hunter, mage, possibly lock, and prot Paladin. That is by type of mob, how many, levels of mobs,and other various things.

Elites some are lvl 30 can mud stump a lvl 60… wtf are you talking about?

Some you might be able to solo by kiting not all. Go alliance head to splinter tree find a lvl 30 elite orc by splinter tree. Fight him in t3.

How I know that mob was in TBC could kill the bastard in t6 almost though.

Vanilla had a higher floor but a lower ceiling.

Mythic raid encounters are much much more difficult than Classic raid encounters but the outdoor world and entry difficulties of raids and dungeons are much much easier in BfA.

I would argue that mythic raids are way too difficult. I personally had no problem clearing all the content in the game until they introduced mythic raids in WOD when the mechanical difficulty just got too high.

The biggest problem BfA has though in my opinion is that nothing you do in the game feels rewarding or worthwhile and that has a lot to do with the low floor of difficulty but also the reward structure of the game.