Vanilla had LFG


LOL! Yeah, I’m sure those will get as much use in Classic as they did in Vanilla. :rofl:


The point is everyone is losing their :poop: over an addon that does the same thing…


funny how so many say “#nochanges” to be cool and then want something that existed in vanilla removed.


Are they? Huh … I haven’t really been following those topics much.

Please educate yourself before having an opinion next time
https ://clips . twitch. tv/RudeInquisitiveDragon Freakin Stinkin
Remove spaces or go here:

Please show me how meeting stones do any of these functions.

By the way, this addon also shows peoples talents and auto-spams chat channels on a timer.


did you post the right link?
looks terrible
as bad if not worse than meeting stones

I need a video of the pro meeting stone crowd using them to form a group back from vanilla or they didn’t actually work. Video of you, not someone you found on a pserver.

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^ it was awful and no one ever used it

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Retail add on in a retail game. The premise of that thread was pure BS.

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So why are people so erotically charged by having an lfg addon if they were awful? Seems like this addon is changing things.

You can enter a queue for a dungeon from any innkeeper or meeting stone in the game, it randomly selects 5 players from the pool who are queued and throws them together with no regard to spec, essentially what running this add-on with auto-invite will do.

It is a very powerful tool for seeing exactly who wants to join your party, though. Depending on how much traffic there is, it may be harder to find parties as a less desirable speed class.

This is true as well, that clip is running on the Retail client.

Blizzard already mentioned at Blizzcon that the peer-to-peer add-on communication will be limited in Classic.

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Blizzard has had ample opportunity to reply.

They have chosen not to.

They clearly have no problem with it and/or have a bunch of slippery slope counter-arguments, such as banning multiboxing, which costs them easy sub money.

So, just assume it’s being allowed for grouping purposes.

It doesn’t matter how many dps use LFGaddons or meeting stones; tanks decide when to do dungeons. As a warrior I literally just poke my head into /1 or /2 and I can get a group in minutes if not seconds.

Tanks will never need the addon and the addon will always need tanks. So you will only be matched with other thirsty dps - > the main flaw of meeting stones

As a tank… who has all the power to hand craft groups why would I ever give up being able to; take extra CC or aoe for certain dungeons, making sure no one needs the gear I want or just plain exclude people I dislike personally (huntards)

Theres gonna be 10k+ people on each server I can be as picky as I want :stuck_out_tongue:
“Ohh sorry just filled up on hunters…”
“oh a third mage…? I guess that could work : >”

It was implemented on patch 1.3. Classic is on 1.2

Classic is NOT on 1.2. One point twelve. The one with cross-realm battlegrounds.

Vanilla is 1.1 - 1.12.1

The current add on new LFR mentioned was not in vanilla

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Please please for the sake of KEK please someone try to pug a 40 man with this addon.

Tell me how that goes…

“Ok 38 mages… wow”

No. The add-on does far more than the meeting stones did.

But, we can’t let a little thing like the truth get in the way of trying to bring retail “QOL” lazy player conveniences to Classic, right?

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