Vaniik the stormtouched rare bird, hunter pet

I am a hunter on Blade’s Edge and I have been farming Vaniik the Stormtouched rare bird for hunters. First time I found him, he killed me and when I got him someone had killed him. A month later finally found him and tamed but his special abilites: Parachute, Storm Burst and Talon Shred were missing. His abilites are like any other bird. If someone has had this problem and got it resolved, please let me know how. Thank You
Soft (aka. AJ)

The abilities you mentioned are the ones he has as a npc, neither he nor any other tamable npc/mob retains their regular abilities once you’ve tamed them.

He belongs to the Birds of Prey pet family, and as such, once tamed, come with abilities associated with that family, and the locked-in specialization(Cunning).


Thank you. I had read that he came with those abilites. I guess it makes sense now that you have put it that way. TY