"Value Preservation" CC Thread

Thank you, and yeah, there are a lot more ideas out there that they could consider. The post is long enough as it is, so I didn’t want to put too many different ideas out there. The main point is to point that if a person is unlucky, then there is no protection for them. However, between the ideas and suggestions post here and there over the next week, I can write them down, and write up an update post with everyone’s thoughts and suggestions.

The reason I don’t talk about this is because that is a personal choice. If someone wants to participate on a meta level and level more alts, then more power to them. If they don’t think it is worth the effort, then they have the freedom to not do that content.

If they are having fun, then more power to them! If not, then don’t do it. I don’t want to level, gear, and min/max several alts in order to raid on the Mythic level, so I don’t do that level content. For now, I am content with Normal and LFR, but if I ever want to play at that intensity in the future, then at least the option is there.

Honestly, for me, I am not huge fun of Time-Lost Proto-Drake and Aeonaxx style farms. I hate the idea of just sitting there waiting for the mount to pop up. So, I don’t do it. Instead, I made a character on a quiet realm, and every morning at 5:00AM I would get up, fly through the zone looking through its flight paths for about 5 minutes. If it was not up, then I did it again the next day. If it was up, then my farm was over. I enjoyed that. It took about 2 months, but I enjoyed it.
As far as the spawn rates, I feel like that is a fair critique.

Right, this is why I said "I think most players couldn’t care less . . . " because most is a lot more than some. You’re arguing to preserve a system that is so extreme, most of the player base you’re trying to impress with your mounts/transmog/pets don’t even know or care what it is. If the Sha of Anger mount was less rare, more players would see it and go “wow, that’s a cool mount, where’d you get it?” which is what you want to happen when you ride that mount, correct?

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I saw a lot of justification for attributing value to things that hold entirely subjective value. If its bop you can’t sell it unless you can’t sell your account, that’s against the tos last i checked so in reality by many metrics of “value” its worthless. At that point to me it boils down to “I don’t want other people to have it because I have it and its rare.” Having earnable items in game is fine, time locking things is a questionable decision and oftentimes the answer is this weak subjective value thing.

There are a great number of dated grinds that could be worked on and cool things that are just gone from the game that could function as rewards for content. Having deterministic but nontrivial grinds is preferable to having pure rng 1 in 3000, once a week per character grinds. Being able to push further in one season to get rewards from a previous season seems fair, if they did that with more then the pvp mounts I think that would be fair if there is a content type to work with. By a similar mark since the mage tower is about as hard as it ever was it should include the weapons in some manner, with upcoming m+ into pandaria and wod it might be worth looking at the challenge mode stuff to, possibly tying it to m20s or somesuch.

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People become apathetic or frustrated with the current system. As another example, take the two available Vulpera flying mounts. One is locked behind a longer reputation grind in an off-color and another one is part of a world boss with irregular spawn times.

Given that several races still lack race- and class mounts, this is a lose-lose situation for everyone.

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