Valorstones Discount?

Was there not a Valorstone discount for your account? So if you have the item your alts can pay 50% less in Valorstones to upgrade? Right now I am being priced maximum for all my characters no matter what. One of my characters has a 593 Staff, but if I want to upgrade the staff on my other character there is no more discount applied. There was a discount yesterday…not today.


Same issue here as well

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I came here to report the same thing. This worked fine last night before the maintenance.

Please fix.

For context/example my mage is my best geared character:

Faithkills - Character (

My shaman is my newest 80:

Lintra - Character (

Last night valorstone upgrade costs were discounted on my shaman. Today they are not.

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Yep, just noticed this as well, alt has NO valorstone discount

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Yep not getting the discount on alts.

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Same, I thought I was going crazy… I’m near capped on my priest alt so I need to upgrade something. Now I have to figure out what wont waste valorstones. Ugh.

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Also broken for me

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Bumping this, my death knight does not have the valorstones discount from my main.

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Replying for engagement. I was saving Valorstones on my alt and went to spend them today and found out everything was more expensive! Can we get this bug acknowledged?

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This is happening to everyone it looks like. If we spend stones now we know deserve a discount will they be refunded later?

Can we get an update when this will be fixed?

I upgraded my mage’s gear with discounted valorstones almost a week ago, so this is definitely a recent break. My paladin’s weapon just now was asking for full cost (160 per level) despite my main having 606.

Come on blizzard get your tiny heads out of large rear ends and fix this S H I T! lol

Valorstone discount still bugged. Some items can receive the discount, while others do not. Also, some items of the same slot vary. For example, my hunter has 606 boots, my priest can receive a discount on explorer 558 boots acknowledging the 606 in my warband, but the priest also has veteran 590 boots that do not receive the discount

Blizzard announced on Friday that the fix won’t be implemented until maintenance on Tuesday.