Valor upgrade, will they require KSM every season?

says the person who is almost completely decked out in 220 gear from obtaining the Rival achievement this season and maintaining that rating.


Sire trinkets are pretty dope.

Man if they ever dropped for me I’d love to confirm that.

I don’t raid so I haven’t gotten to play with the Cheat death trinket from Kael, that looks pretty strong

Real question?

Here, try this. Think on this. Would Blizzard want you to have to spend the same amount of time next patch or just hand you your gear upgrades?

Would be silly if it not…

Wouldn’t surprise me if blizz required you to get that trinket again next season instead of just letting you continue to upgrade current gear.

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That just so happens to be the small % of the population Blizzard cares most about.

Almost definitely.

Befriend good tanks now.

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It took me almost 40 DoS runs to get the quantum trinket, I’m not doing that again.
I’d rather keep my current trinket and be done with it.

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The real joke is thinking you should be able to upgrade your gear to max without having to do more difficult content.

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Ion: “Dammit, remind me to ban cellphone photos of our meeting whiteboards when we get back to the office”.

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