Valor upgrade, will they require KSM every season?

I support KSM for Valor because 99.9999% of the people crying over it are the same clowns who support Pathfinder for flying. EAT IT

Most of the people who complain about KSM for Valor are people who don’t do M+ and are typically the main forum demographic for complaining that they have to afk in a main city on land mounts instead of flying mounts.


No. They did it this way because the entire expansion is designed to cater to elites, who deserve everything and more, and punish casuals, who deserve nothing and should be treated badly until they realize their money is no longer welcome here.


The whole point of the current system is to be able to target ONE piece of gear (trinkets, for most people), farm it up on any difficulty you can find keys for, and then be able to upgrade it to a higher ilvl.

That’s it. That’s what the system is for.

And a LOT of people are using it like that. Again, mostly for a specific trinket.

If people were expecting it to be something else, then they didn’t bother to read the explanation from Blizzard that accompanied the initial release in the first place.


Yeah, as soon as it hit I started running DoS on anything I could find until I got an upgradable Blood trinket… it’ll be the first thing I do next season too.

This is the original post where they announced the valor system: Patch 9.0.5 PTR is Now Available

Is that hard evidence of what I said? Well, of course not. But can we read the text and understand what in means it the context of what is happening? Yes, we can. So I’m pretty sure of what I said.

Or we could go with this vision. Blizzard is on an unstopable quest to earn LESS money. They are so evil that they are making fools of us, the players, and of their shareholders too. They have no rational goal, they are out to make everyone that comes in contact with them miserable.

It’ll be easier in next seasons.

I remember BFA how +10 season 1 was about as hard as +13-14 in season 2, so if you can do +15 now, you can do it next season for sure.

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I never did mythic plus before really, aside from a weekly Maw of Souls for the chest lol… why was it easier, gear or the way they scaled the mobs each season?

It feels bad when all the BIS trinkets come from dungeons and not raids. Or maybe it just speaks volumes to how disappointing the raid trinkets are/feel.

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says the person who is almost completely decked out in 220 gear from obtaining the Rival achievement this season and maintaining that rating.


Sire trinkets are pretty dope.

Man if they ever dropped for me I’d love to confirm that.

I don’t raid so I haven’t gotten to play with the Cheat death trinket from Kael, that looks pretty strong

Real question?

Here, try this. Think on this. Would Blizzard want you to have to spend the same amount of time next patch or just hand you your gear upgrades?

Would be silly if it not…

Wouldn’t surprise me if blizz required you to get that trinket again next season instead of just letting you continue to upgrade current gear.

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That just so happens to be the small % of the population Blizzard cares most about.

Almost definitely.

Befriend good tanks now.

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It took me almost 40 DoS runs to get the quantum trinket, I’m not doing that again.
I’d rather keep my current trinket and be done with it.

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The real joke is thinking you should be able to upgrade your gear to max without having to do more difficult content.

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