Valor uncap crazy too soon,

Do have you anything to prove this happened?


I like that I can just grind and grind and grind my way up to 272 gear, but I much prefer raiding to endlessly spamming +2s. I’ve essentially just raiding for fun this patch.

I wanted to post an update here, 12 days after that post. I’ve since run about 35 total runs this season and I’ve gotten one convertible piece out of dungeons to go with the other one I got out of my box. The loot luck on my Warlock has been rather meh; however, it’s also worth noting that those 35 runs have generated a lot of valor, which was barely enough to upgrade a staff and two trinkets to rank 9, and those two set pieces to rank 6.

So this kind of reinforces that…

  • Yep, SL loot system is just really unfortunate and I can’t wait for Dragonblight. I sincerely hope Blizzard considers player progression. We don’t need loot given to us, but deterministic paths to it are much more favourable than hoping RNJesus decides to bless you on any given run. The set bonuses are fun (for most classes), but not being able to get them is not fun.
  • Even having uncapped valor, running 35 runs in two weeks still has me bottlenecked on valor for what upgrades I do have. This is actually just fine and ok, but also strongly suggests to me that uncapping valor was totally the right move. I’ve run a lot of dungeons… you would have to run sooooo many more for this to really start to skew things in a bad way. I think having a cap early in the season (though it could realistically be double what it was) is good because those world first raiders will absolutely 24/7 grind to facilitate their race, but the rest of us schmucks who play at “normal” rates aren’t going to get too far ahead tbh.

Let them do unhealthy things. Blizz can’t realistically prevent those players from being degenerate. Allowing heroic/mythic players to stay in their brackets isn’t a bad thing.