Valor Kinda Useless

Valor is indeed mostly useless. A perfect example is…ME!

218 ilvl now, not perfectly itemized though but the highest sim anyway. Have not timed a 15, but did all my 10s. I can upgrade items to 213 with Valor.

Problem is that I have not seen any drop in M+ that I would need to upgrade, like hands, trinket, etc. So I keep getting duplicates of chest and backs, chest already upgraded to 213 and back is 223. So I’m piling up Valor without anything to use it on.

They are treating this as a less valuable resource than world quests in BFA, where you could actually get real upgrades from world content. Disappointing.


Much like every other seasonal currency, it will probably be converted over to gold and the end of the season. They do this with conquest and with the BFA armor currency.


Gold is way too important if I’m being honest. I dare say the game is somewhat pay-to-win - buying your rank 4 legendaries is expensive but provides a tangible power increase. I bet the guy who came up with upgraded legendaries probably got a raise, because I imagine many WoW tokens were purchased to buy rank 4 legendaries early in the season.


Maybe I shot myself in the foot by being self-sufficient. I have professions leveled and stuff.

But I’m sitting at like 3M gold and IDK what to spend it on.

WoW tokens bought to pay for rank 4 legendaries pale in comparison to WoW tokens bought to pay for carries and boosts. Taking in pay to win money while still being able to say you’re not pay to win. The person that came up with the idea for WoW tokens must be swimming in bonus money.

So time the 15s, if you are 218 item level 15s are very easy

Spider mount :slight_smile:

At least i did lol

Good luck pugging 15s. Guilds now a days dont seem active outside of raid night


I mean if you say so

I’ve only completed one 15 not in time. My IO isn’t goodenough to get invited to a good group, it’s like 999 right now. I’ve pretty much given up. But even if I did time a 15, I’m far off from timing all of them.


My wife did that too. We have a gold-farming competition at the end of every expansion, to see who can end an expansion with the most gold.

Is there anything new to shadowlands that’s costly? They give me like, thousands of gold a day, but IDK what to spend it on in this expansion, other than legendary pieces or consumables, neither matter to me because I don’t do keys or raid at the moment. And when I did, I’d have an alchemist.

Did I miss the gold sink, or is it not here yet?

Don’t you get your own key every week?

Yea. For a long time I leveled my own key ONLY. And it worked pretty well. After I was getting 13s-15s at like 900 IO though, it was harder to find good players to join the group. M+ can be a chicken and egg thing sometimes.

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I 100% agree with you. Valor is useless.

I haven’t been playing this game for this many years to time runs etc… IT’S A RPG! Or at least it was.


Imagine being so bad at the game you hide on a level 10 fOuRm AlT


Imagine playing an RPG in order to be so “good” that you can time a 20 minute dungeon, over and over and over and over… ROLE PLAYING GAME

Kids these days and they’re bright ideas


That doesn’t have KSC themselves =/

Kinda wish that for casuals that Valor could be used to upgrade WQ items to 197 (same max level as the covenant sets), and for covenant sets you could pay in Valor or Anima to upgrade. Doesn’t step on the toes of those doing “more prestigious content” like Raids or M+, gives a small use to a resource they’re collecting anyway, and a few more options for gear.


Maybe timing keys just isn’t interesting to others. I don’t really care about the M+ system at all. I’ve done it, but it’s not the type of game I’m here for.

They give you valor for callings and stuff too, which is super weird for this exclusive M+ currency. But it seems like it can be spent on gathering materials too? IDK.

All of the currencies in this expansion feel bland and oddly designed, and there’s so many of them.

Like, Blizzard heard us in BFA say “we want a currency to work on” and they totally didn’t get what we meant, lol.

Justice/Valor for PVE and Honor/Conquest for PVP were good-feeling systems, much better than the BFA drops. But what are they doing with all of this? Like, make it all work together.



Personally though, boosts/carries feel less offensive to me because it is a service - the gear is still being “earned”, it’s just having more skilled players carrying less skilled players and receiving some comepnsation. Purchasing power directly, exchanging $$$ for power directly, feels dirty. Especially given that when it comes to purchasing power, Blizzard makes the rules. Boosting is community-driven and in the player’s control and feels a bit less gross.

Some people may say they’re the same, but to me it feels different.