Valor capped and it feeelsss so baaad

Reunited and it feels so good, but valor capped feels so baaad

Valor capped after just starting dungeons last night, guess i’m done for the week now. Would love to continue tanking more in the que but not for no reward.

If it was a spend cap and we could continue earning i’d probably keep que’ing up so that i can spend them later once they remove the cap mid season. But for now I guess if we hit cap for the week or our 4/8 dungeons then we just gotta be done for the week.

Not worth a 1 in 5 shot at end of dungeon loot for me all that work.


Why wouldn’t you keep tanking to get loot that you can use your valor to upgrade?


Loot i will replace quickly once i start farming 10+ next week to upgrade with a meager 750 valor per week? I think you think valor goes a lot further than it actually does!

I get it, inflation and all. I miss the days of 25 cent bubble gum packs too.

If Valor was uncapped, then you’d just be farming M2’s.


You can thank the casuals and PvE players for that. Blizzard finally listened 4 months ago and removed the caps but now they just put them back in.

I can now chill on the forums and not even worry about playing PvP for the majority of the week to get capped. :joy:

i loved the last season of SL just because it had no valor cap from the start. was amazing lol

i knew they would take away the fun with the new xpack tho.


I would love to be able to progress gear in PvP. This game has been changed to time gate so nobody really gets left behind. Even if someone only plays a couple times a week for a little bit, they can still be at the spearhead of power.

I disagree with this decision, and I hope they reverse course on at least a little bit.

But I would not budge for valor being uncapped if they did not bring back a carrot on a stick gear progression for PVP. I’m tired of favoritism of gameplay styles in this game.


You could help other people and teach new people how to play. That’s always fun!

You won’t be replacing it if you are upgrading it.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Also there should be no ranks on gear you just buy BiS gear at the vendor with Valor.

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if he had to farm M2’s, he’d be in the forums complaining.

And the PvE players can already do that since they can spam Mythic+ all week with no key caps.

I feel like this thread topic isn’t your forte either.

We’ve been hearing the feedback from the community to lift the Conquest Cap for Shadowlands Season 4.

Valor cap is good for a respectable season.
no cap is degenerative.
And the fact that you allegedly refuse to continue gearing for the other 6 days until reset due to valor cap shows you’re the weakest link in your raid/m+ groups.

Thanks for the catch Stagheim. I’ve updated the article with the caps:

  • The weekly Conquest cap will start at 1350 and increase by 550 per week.

  • The weekly Valor cap will start at 1500 and increase by 750 per week.

I disagree with this idea. Players farmed islands and M+ in the past for worse upgrade paths, an uncapped Valor on Season start just means you grind your Valor immediately, and it’s effectively a guaranteed path to BiS in 2 weeks.

The whole design philosophy of “incentives, but not required for player power” in Dragonflight is a good thing because it helps guide reward structures in Mythic+ too. Mythic+ is rewarding players who push for harder keys. Players can still find meaningful upgrades and player power progression within the scope of a Valor cap.

When 10.0.5 drops, I’d be okay with lifting the Valor cap. But too early in the season means it will simply outpace other reward structures.

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Just wait until they remove the cap in the .05 patch, only to reinstate it in the .1 patch. Retail is in a bad cycle. Honestly, DF pushed me back to classic vanilla LOL.

Then all they’d have to do is adjust valor rewards so it’s based completely on the key you did.

So, you could have farming +2s a waste of time.

I’m not suggesting no valor cap. I’m suggesting a valor spending cap per week but you can earn as much as you want. Doesn’t matter how much you have earned as long as you can only spend 1500 + 750 per week right?

But once they do uncap valor mid season, then all your hard work hasn’t gone to waste…

But they sure do love to make you waste your time in this game.

If the game is FUN people will stay subbed to play alts and stuff. If there is one thing players like me absolutely hate, it is gimmicks like not letting you keep valor you farmed all season until mid season when they uncap it so you have to start it all over again.

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