Valor: Can we have non-upgrade rewards please?

So now it’s raid and not dungeons?! :rofl:
You really don’t like being wrong do you? :clown_face:

OP, you should realize by now that Blizzard doesn’t actually GAF about your playstyle. People asked for Valor back and we got this half-baked, aborted, Monkey-Pawed monstrosity.


One bazillion points and my eternal love for referencing The Monkey’s Paw.

Bravo, Sir!


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Yeah but I don’t think they’re designed to encourage you to farm valor for them, but as a way to dump valor if you don’t have anything else to spend it on.

With that said, I’m all for adding mogs and mounts and pets to the valor vendor.


It still useful to get LFR trnasmog quicklier than before imho

I would be daw too for a valor gear vendor,that way pvers would be happy too, but maybe that is streaching luck a lot

Oh no. You know I’m right so you have to deflect. That’s sad.

I’m sorry to break it to you but all 3: raid, PvP, and M+ have their time sinks to get geared.

Covenant sets don’t even have any RNG and you’re all bent out of shape? Lovely.

You could raid normal/herioc/mythic or even pvp all the gear paths to choose from

Because anima is so abundant right? :rofl::ok_hand:

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I know, but according to the awesome threads I read here in GD, we the players asked for this.

I don’t know how, but evidently we did.

That’s what I’m being told we did, as players.

Oh so you like walking simulators.

While there are not many of them inside dungeons, for obvious reasons, there are plenty of them outside, and most people don’t care about them at all, so there will probably not be much investment on this direction.

It’s not abundant but it does have tons of rewards already attached to it. So a valor to anima conversion would solve the problem described in this thread. Somewhere around 5-10 anima per valor paid.

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I’d be good with mats or anything just to expend them!

I think this is Blizz’s motivation to get people to try Mythic’s. They fail to realize that no matter what encouragement there is, a good portion of the community does not want to be involved in that crap.

EDIT: found it, 750 valor for 10 herbs. Kind of insulting, but ok. It is what I expect from Dev’s these days.

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Great idea. Folks that have maxed out their gear would probably like this as well.

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How have they failed to recognize it? They’ve given you a bag you can spend your Valor on if you absolutely insist on never playing the content. Blizzard is not going to make that worthwhile as a reward onto itself, because the whole point is that it is supposed to bait you into doing M+. You’re supposed to feel like you want to do M+, to get over whatever your reservation is, and play the content. It’s not supposed to feel good, but if you absolutely, absolutely insist on not playing the content, then you will get a pittance to compensate you for it.

Seems completely intentionally designed to me. Every player is covered.

If you like insulting players it is. Nice Job.

Then that’s horrible game design because it’s a game, and games are supposed to be fun, not feel bad.

I’m not spending money on a game that’s supposed to make me feel bad.

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Has that ever been stated by Blizzard? About ‘baiting’ non M+ players into doing M+?

From what I had read on the subject it was to quell complaints from the M+ community that the gearing wasn’t rewarding enough.

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That’s the overall point of Valor which they mostly succeeded with. The point of Valor being included in Callings is almost certainly to bait people into trying M+ - like offering Tuesday Night Discount Wings, to get you in the door so you check the place out and maybe realize you like it.

I’d say the overall point of Valor is what they stated. I would agree the point of Valor in the callings may have been to lure non participants.

To use your analogy. The point of Tuesday night discount is to lure you in to try the wings. The point of the wings the rest of the week is not to get you to come on Tuesday.

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