Valor Adjustment for This Region

Due to a bug, in other regions, the PvP Season started with the Week 2 Valor cap in place.

With a hotfix that is now live, we’ve set the Valor cap in this region to the Week 2 amount of 3200, so that it matches other regions.


honestly doesn’t really matter, we are vastly better players than the europeans anyway.


why is there even a cap to begin with :roll_eyes: specially with no tier pieces this time around.


I for one very much prefer having the first cap at 3200. It gives you the option to buy one of the key armor pieces ->edit<- wasn’t a good example, more the cost of things 2200 etc, maybe a chest or helm.(Gloves for example being 1650/1600) if you put the work in, but not being able to just shoot straight into all your gear overnight as well.

Does this mean next will we be 3200 or will it go up to 4800?

Please fix, LFG custom tab. It is no longer working cross server and this is the main way people found arena partners. There wont be a PvP season without it, not a fruitful one.

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Huh, I actually didn’t expect them to do anything. Neat, I can get my VP helm while farming for the Rag trinket tomorrow…


There is no buying tier for valor…

Youre going to be in for a surprise when you try to buy tier for valor.


1600 is too low to begin with anyway, as if discouraging people from doing randoms more than once a day.

Fixed it, hadn’t really considered that I poorly used tier as an example. more than it was about the 1650 or 2200 cost items.

put in an edit, wasn’t really thinking when i used tier as an example for 1650 or 2200 cost items being unavailable in the first week.

Thanks for doing this…at 10pm…the day before raid is launched. The raiding community thanks you

Whine more about getting week 2’s valor cap week 1. If 1 extra pc of 397 gear is gonna make or break your raid then you didn’t do enough in FL to get ready and that’s on you.

Awesome, now the valor that you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten for killing the raid bosses won’t go to waste

Awww look at you being confrontational. Going from 1600 valor to 3200 valor means dps can now get their trinkets. Adding the extra 1600 at 10pm when the servers went live at around what 11am means people were faming dungeons all day for LFR gear at valor cap and probably spent all if not most of their valor.

Then, at 10pm they increase it. Those valor trinkets are huge for spine. So if you are at all competitive, you will be farming even more dungeons to get that trinket, if you didn’t spend all your valor already.

I am glad they added it, but would have been nice hours earlier when it was discovered EU servers had a 3200 cap and NA servers did not. I geared up two characters to full pre-bis. Ran many dungeons at valor cap to get LFR gear, and now I have to go back and farm more dungeons to get valor cap again. The timing was just awful, but typical for blizzard. I am surprised they didn’t announce it at 2am or like 3 hours before raid opens.

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Booooo friggin hoooooo baby boi

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Have a great raid day!

You whine a lot.

They let the players farm deathwing trinkets and weapons and 4pc before the raid even opens and players still manage to complain.

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