Vale of Eternal Blossom Lag

Doing the world Boss in Vale today is almost unplayable…huge huge lag issues even though my Latency is quite fine…

Hey folks,

If you run into this type of issue in Vale of Eternal Blossoms or Uldum while there are a large number of players around, try swapping either to war mode, or from war mode (whichever mode you are not currently playing in.) Doing this will allow you to swap shards and potentially work around the issue.

Altar of storms is a dead server and its unplayable in Vale right now…

I am shocked that this is being treated like a new issue. The below threads prove that this has been an ongoing issue for various NA and Oceanic realms for the entire expansion.

So the answer is “get ganked?”

The thing is, I’ve done the world boss the first week of 8.3 in Vale but haven’t experienced this huge input lag before.
My ping was normal as always, just huge input lag.

So I’m wondering what the difference is between the first week in Vale and this week.
Because there were lots of people hitting the world boss the first week too. (with no input lag)
So whatever changes you made to the game/server, maybe you could re-evalute it.

EDITED: I’m also getting huge lag just by disenchanting in Boralus.
I click on the item I want to DE. DE starts a bit after I click it and I hear the sound that tells me the DE process has finished, but the enchanting mats appear like 5 or more seconds after. (ping is normal as usual)

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So forced PVP or don’t play? that is not a very acceptable work around for many people. The least you guys can do is allow us to change shards without having to do something like that, just have a “change shards” button.

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8.3 = WoD 2.0

LMAO…that answer from Draku….seriously…no amount of player would cause lag unless you use a scrap comp from like 1995…only time a map get laggy for anyone with a good comp is when 1 spot blow the over 120 players casting spells(Oondasta result back in MoP which crashed the blizz servers themselves)….never ever since then has an area blow over 60 players in any map outside of pvp premade group…battleground being the exception for the few 40 vs 40…no offense Draku but an answer like that I just wanna facepalm

other than that I feel no lag today in vale(at least shrine part) with wm on…yet to check the corrupted Zone see if its laggy there but I have other focus atm…not sure if it was tie to the major assault of vale but I shall know soon when I get to do the assaults for cache

This is happening on WrA now as well when it was not happening yesterday. There were not a lot of people around and it was only a problem in Vale, not Uldum. This is not even close to being an acceptable solution.

It’s not just limited to Vale. Vale was bad and Grand Empress was a pain. It’s also spreading to Borlaus, Nazjatar and other zones.

Malfurion and Trollbane having the same issue.

same with proudmoore. been lagging quite a bit lately. sent a ticket waiting to see what I get back.

Goodness, 8.3 has been nothing short of cancer-inducing gameplay. Make World of Warcraft great again!

Bloodhoof was experiencing it too. From about 1800 - 1930 Pacific or so. Not game ending, but a definite lag server side as everything was stalled about a second. It seemed to clear up close to 2000 (of course, right as I killed the assault boss and went to turn in quests)

I am not in war mode, on Australian servers. My latency home is 19ms but world in Vale jumped to 203 then 503ms!

no lag for me at all in Nazjatar(WM on)(could be specific to your serv or urself(your the first to complain about Nazj//Boralus)…also if u could state ur serv and weither wm is on or off)……boralus well i’am not alliance so I have no clue bout boralus……Vale still have issue on my serv according to a guildy for this week but only for the corrupt area(dont remember if had wm on or off)…last week corrupt area appear to be lagless this week since the corruption is gone(WM on for former corrupt area)

Vale only world lag. Everyone in the general chat is experiencing this. - Realm Barthilas - WM OFF

My brother, same server different ISP same issue, approx 31ms home / world… In game takes 10+ seconds to do anything

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(spaces at .nets and .coms so i could post this

Just saw the post in the known issues sticky about this from May 2019, so I take back all the whining I did about this issue going unaddressed for this long.

I feel like this is likely a datacenter issue still just based on the stopgap “solution” being to flip war mode on and then back off in order to get a better shard.

This is a recurring issue, most likely datacenter related. I`d wager in automated shard swaping being bugged or just cheapskates trying to clog in people in the same server to spare expenses.

This is unacceptable.