Using "Prepaid" cell service = no more custom group creation in LFG

My physical authenticator is on my account, did you not read my OP? I even said its the Diablo 3 version.

Excuse you? So I need Sprint to function in a society? Explain to me why I have 3 authenticators for work (I work at a bank) and they ALL work with my phone? Quit being so holier than thou. My RL situation is JUST FINE. Just because I chose to leave Sprint and pay HALF shouldn’t affect you, Blizz, WoW, or anything. Quit acting like this is solely my problem. I didn’t implement this issue, I didn’t ask for it. Take your horrible attitude and leave dude, I’m trying to get real recognition from Bliz.


Friendly reminder that about 1/3 of the alliance raids on the shadowlands raid tab as of this post are advertising groups on third party websites, effective change is effective. All it did was hit people as collateral damage while trying to fix a symptom of a problem.


being able to put custom text in a group finder listing is not “basic game functionality”. people really need to stop trying to make it sound like blizzard said “you can’t use any healing spells unless you pay us $10 a month”


Being able to put words in a group listing is a basic function in most multiplayer games. Naming your group, and having a comment is basic menu stuff.


I’m sick of this attitude that just because it doesn’t affect you means it doesn’t affect anyone or matter. Paying a sub for a game I can’t even MAKE CUSTOM GROUPS FOR HELLO?

Put yourself in my situation. Which you won’t, since only Fevirin knows what empathy means. This sucks for me as 100% of my gameplay COMES from LFG. How hard is this to understand? It IS basic game functionality. Cmon, how is it not? I’m paying a monthly sub which is already more than this game should get, and I can’t even list custom groups? TO PLAY THE GAME? Daft people. Daft, all I can say.

Thank you so much Fevirin for your understanding, literally the only person who gets it and who isn’t trying to just be a troll.


Do you think you are the first people to try arguing this? Try something like the hundreds or thousands here alone even.

I don’t know why your physical authenticator doesn’t work. Mine does I can tell you that. I’m planning to switch to the digital after the new year when I’ll be upgrading my phone so there is no potential risk of anything going awry between the 2 phones and now and then.

Either way, none of your problems does affect me and you only have yourself to blame. I 100% agree that it could be implemented better, but I find absolutely no fault with Blizzard being more aggressive with “forcing” people to setup and maintain this level of protection for their account. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised and would fully support them making it a condition even to have an active subscription past the free trial.

Also again, you can make groups with the default text the game gives you and YOU are the one limiting yourself if you only want to play with a certain class/spec. You aren’t being barred from accessing an actual feature of the game which is what you are trying to make it out to be.

Not agreeing with you does not mean one is trolling and like I said prior, I’d actually support Blizzard reversing the mandate but taking a much harsher stance on morons not protecting their account

The best solution, IMO, is for them to offer physical authenticators again. That or just outright ban any sales runs from LFG.


HAHAHAHHA, oh boy, and you think GD is the way to do it?
Let me laugh even harder.

So… You have a PHYSICAL AUTHENTICATOR. I’m sorry but I’m confused at your complaint now.

Yes, how DARE I try and save money with a cheaper phone plan. I’m glad I’m being punished by Bliz by not being able to make custom games, maybe this will fix me! Thank you daddy bliz!

Real talk though, people like you are why the world is full of road rage and hate. Others’ problems aren’t only 0 concern to you, but you deem them THEIR fault. Yikes, what a trash perspective on life.


you are better off making a ticket vs a thread they wont read

Then that’s on you, since I’ve made it abundantly clear what the issue is in my OP. Nobody has reading skills here, clearly.


Imagine a world where people use third party apps to make groups because blizzard killed their own group finder making things like discord more convenient then it already is for making groups. This the road we’re on. This is where “its not a problem because I can work around it” leads, people will find a jank solution and act like it doesn’t need to be fixed.

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T mobile actually since Sprint is no longer a company, TMobile bought them out

Going to a budget phone plan solution does give it’s consequences like this one and the fact that the major tower company (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) have the right to slow your phone down because you’re not on their major plan

You have the literal president of Blizzard as an avid run seller and the game director is a has been mythic raiding tryhard whose turned a blind eye, at best, to the rampant WTS culture for years because Blizzard is getting a cut off of most of the transactions since most are via tokens.

I legit think hell itself will freeze over before we’ll see Blizzard pay anything more than lip service to boost/carry runs. Sure, they’ll go after the real world money ones because they aren’t making a cut off those…but token sale runs? Literally free money for them.

You are no way prohibited from using the group finder, you just can’t make custom text.

I don’t disagree, I just feel it’d be a better solution to the issue. Sadly, as you said, it’s a problem they promote from the top. Boost culture is never going anywhere.

But they should still reinforce the TOS and keep boosts out of LFG entirely. Let people promote them over global channels or something at best.

Yes, you’re right. I know this is the issue…

Its funny, all these replies making light of custom text. If you all had this same issue, I doubt I’d be getting hate-trained outta here. But since it doesn’t affect many folks, I’m just SOL. Oh well, as others have pointed out, its 100% my fault, and I shouldn’t expect to do the things I was doing just days ago before 915 came out. How dare I! What a fool I am.

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It’s hard for people with their heads stuck that far up their behinds to see any view but their own.

Physical authenticators are not enough for this or to unlock the bag slots.


I have a Cricket phone, and yes my number is invalid for SMS protection. If you actually look online, you can find better cell phone providers for a lower cost. I’m dumping Cricket this month. I got a plan that is $25 a month and I got a Galaxy 7 phone and the the number is valid for SMS.

Google free phones and you’ll find some great deals.

My biggest suggestion, get away from Cricket. The phones they offer are crap, service is garbage and like said the numbers they use are labeled as prepaid.

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