Using Overload Elemental Herb on a Titan Touched Node not working

Using Overload Elemental Herb on a Titan Touched Herb Node results in the skill being cast, no effect to the node, no extra items being generated, and the skill goes on cooldown. This has happened today two separate times i did not observe it happening before today. The most recent time to a Titan-touched Hochenblume node. There was no other Herbs or any other nodes close by.


Yeah this just happened to me for the 10th time!! getting a little frustrated because I have 40 points into each the “Titan-touch” and “Mastering the elements” and it’s getting a bit annoying as I’m trying to spec farm and these overloads are not work!!

Side note, I don’t feel I’m getting more/extra rousings from charged nodes with mastering the elements at lvl 40 than when it was lvl 1… feels like a huge waste of points and time farming


Also confirming 2 times, one nothing happened on a bubble poppy and another teleported me to nowhere.


Still happening today. Used Overload Elemental Herb on Titan Touched herb, got no portal, but skill was put on CD.

Edit: Also, have had numerous instances where the portal spawns, but either it doesn’t send you anywhere at all, or it sends you to a spot without any herbs to pick.


This is happening to me as of today, however it worked fine last night say for the portal porting me to the exact spot i was already at.

I wasn’t having an issue with this until this week, 4 Titan herbs in a row I have used my overload and none of them have worked.


still nothing from blizzard on this? classic

yeah its been pretty bad this week 5 times in a row now that ive used it and got nothing from it ??? blizz can we get some help with this because like others i have 40+ points in that tree

This is happening to me with mining nodes as well. It only started happening once I learned the Titan Touched sub-spec or “gain additional rousing” node in Mastering the Elements spec.

Okay, I’ve been having this happen on and off since I learned the ability but I’ve just had it happen 3 consecutive times and I have to say something. Ridiculous the thousands of gold I’ve missed out on over this ability just completely not working. Are we quality control now? How could you miss a bug that you literally just need to use an ability to see it not work? Very obvious. If their testers even used this ability at all it should of been a known issue.

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Just had it give me nothing 4 times consecutively…Why has this not been fixed yet

This is still happening and it happens frequently. Is this yet another broken thing that Blizzard will never fix?

Still happening to me, I’d say the odds of it not working but placing my skill on cd is around 20-30%. I’ve tried it both prior to mining/herbing the node and after - having it in both instances cause the ability to go on CD yet do nothing.

Adding to all the others, not working on titan touched nodes. Refund our points if this isn’t going to be fixed.

guess this just isnt getting fixed lmfao

Idk how this hasn’t been fixed yet lol. Bugs for herbs and rocks

So I have managed to use it once where it (presumably) worked properly, teleporting my character to the nearest plant. But two other times i’ve tried this took me to the same plant i had already farmed.

went to report this bug and it brought me to the forums. so here we are.

Having same issue, just randomly fails. Thought maybe it had a internal fail rate… but could not find anything on that.

My suspicion is that it fails if someone else has already used Overload on that node. But testing this would require me to sit there and wait till the node despawns after a failure instead of gathering it and that is really adding insult to injury lol.