First, I’ve been playing Hardcore since the new anniversary server opened. I see nonstop requests to layer. I am guessing it’s to spawn more mobs or to hunt for rares. Utilizing a system that is intended to balance players to gain an advantage is an exploit and should be punishable with suspensions or bans.
Second, why are you playing HC and then trying to make it easier? The whole point is to challenge yourself.
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I agree mostly.
I think that intentionally layering over and over and over is exploitive.
However, have you ever been layered against your will, put into a really bad situation and it almost (or did) kill you? I have. Many times. It’s not fun or fair, I did nothing to trigger it, it just happened. So if I layer a time or two on purpose, I feel like it’s just me cashing in my earned use of it.
But using it literally dozens of times an hour is definitely an exploit. 100%
It is exploiting a system thats ultimately intended to keep servers from crashing and burning. But it’s also in place only because we don’t have a better solution and holding player’s feet to the fire over layer hopping is just going to upset players. At that point you may as well just have 50 servers without layering and then have to deal with merging with then inevitably die. Which, imo, is worse than layering.
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There is a 10 minute timer before you can switch again. I don’t think it’s an exploit unless you are bypassing that somehow. If they feel it is happening too frequently they can increase the timer.
I personally use layering to get away from other players doing the same quest, or aoe spots as a mage. It could be considered “cheap”, but not exploitative. If layering wasn’t in the game, we’d just find some other thing to abuse.
I just had someone spawn quest mobs on me and then attempted to just run and not make any effort to help kill them - I kited the mobs away making him fail, afterwards I swapped layers and ignored him so I wouldn’t have to interact with him.
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not very hardcore of you to swap layers for your quest bro afk for 15 minutes for the respawns for true hardcore experience noob XD.
That’s right! Play the game as it was intended. Layering is cheating.
I agree. All these little changes are adding up to make HC way too easier.
i get layered randomly and lose my kills and/or get killed because of it. i’d say it’s balanced. unless you layer every minute for rarespawns or something.
How does that work? How do I hop layers? I leave quest areas a lot to not bug other people or to compete.
When you’re invited to a group or raid by someone on a layer different than yours, you will layer over to theirs. You will need an addon to see your layer. Novabuffs or something. Be careful when layering. Be in a spot where mobs won’t be, because you can be layered into a full respawn and die.