Using ChatGPT or Perplexity to help write addons

Does anyone use ChatGPT or Perplexity to help write addons?
If so, how well do they work?

The samples I’ve seen on these forums from people who have tried are terrible.


I’ve tried Code Pilot and a couple of others and I do not recommend using them except in selected circumstances. For example, I’ve found that Code Pilot is great for small, tedious, or repetitive tasks like parsing strings.


ChatGPT is the best imo. It helped a lot in addon development.
Even taught me some new things!

Recommend you give it a try!


No matter what you use, if you’re expecting it to last through a new expansion you will most likely have to learn some lua and how to find the WoW API and how to find and incorportate what’s changed from the previous version.

Expansions tend to get breaking changes that need to be “re-learned”.

Maybe somone will teach AI how to do what the people updating the wiki do so Ketho and co. can have a well earned holiday :partying_face:. But I’m not holding my breath…


I tried the Microsoft GitHub Copilot (GPT-4). It is sometimes amazing, what the algorithm can predict and generate for you. But the real deal-breaker for me is that it only knows pre-dragonflight API definitions. So you have to do all the research regarding e.g. trade skill or tooltips yourself. It puzzles me why the algorithm cannot incorporate a page like into its current model and be up to date.

With a lot of these AI systems, it’s a matter of when and under what conditions they are trained with new material or they are allowed to be trained with new material.

Several things are involved.

  • In some systems they may want to charge more for better trained versions of the AI product.
  • In some cases people are worried about AI systems that would take away human jobs.
  • In some cases they are worried about AI systems not being able to separate truth from “fake news”.
  • In some cases people are worried about creating a real life Terminator (i.e. “Ah’ll be bahk”).

And of course some systems just don’t get updated for financial reasons, not enough resources, financial limitations, etc.