Hello, Buds Til Disband is looking to expand our roster for SL!!
Guild information
The guild has been around for the better part of 5 years! We’ve transferred faction/server both once before, but Mal’Ganis was our home for all of BfA, and will continue to be that way for SL!
We will always get AoTC, but the ultimate goal is always to push into mythic. We’re trying to find those with that same attitude/skill to achieve goals, but keeping the game enjoyable as well.
We’ve built a good community here, and we’re looking for right minded individuals to join us. Raiding should be fun, and we strive to keep the atmosphere light, but at the same time serious enough to be conscience of everyone’s time, and investment. You’ll usually find us in discord talking smack, and cracking jokes on a nightly basis. We run a lot of M + too, so if that’s something you enjoy try us out! We have a wide range of players from 30+ parents to college students. Our priority is to create a cohesive and fun atmosphere so that folks want to log on to play rather than log on from a sense of obligation. Everyone plays their best when they are having fun. We do have some heroic only raiders that are filling for mythic. Therefore, the spots we are trying to fill are not for bench.
Progression - 10/10 Heroic, 2/10 Mythic
Currently Recruiting (immediate raid spots) -
Rogue: High
WW Monk: High
DPS DK: High
Warrior: Medium
Druid (Moonkin): Very High
Mage: High
Warlock: Medium
Contact Information
B-Tag - Beef#12743, Andro#1365
Discord: Whoisit#3685, Andro#8398
Please reach out. We’re always willing to have a quick voice chat in discord to answer any questions