[US][H][Hyjal] <Leviathan> Looking for dps and tank- 2 Day - 9/10M

Guild & Server: <> Leviathan <> :Horde: Hyjal (Team Kraken)

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday & Thursday 6:30 pm -9:30 pm pst (9:30 pm - 12:30 am EST)

Current Progression: 9/10M P2 sylv

Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Zayva#1688

Application: https://forms.gle/miufJ83uLWNUZZiu9


Requirements: Punctual, Ability to take constructive feedback on gameplay, desire to progress and gear your character without relying only on raid drops.


DPS: High need for boomkin, mage, and Warlock
TANK: any

Accepting any and all applications.