wtb healer and dps
still need heals and dps
bumping this up
Still need some raiders
this thread needs a bump
bumpers for pumpers
any beers in here?
bumping this one up
bumpers for pumpers
bumping this up
bumping this up. need healers and dps
I would like some dank dps and healers please.
bumping for dps/heals
bumping for dps/healers
wtb healers and dps for mythic prog
healers and dps for mythic prog please
need healers and dps for mythic prog
need tank, dps and healers
240 former CE achieved Guardian Druid LF Mythic Progression.
I’m 9/10H while giving a lesser progressed guild a shot as their Raid Leader. It didn’t work out. I’m looking to join a similar mindset group that middles between Skill>Chill mentality. I’m a veteran outside and inside the game, been at it since 2007 in BC. The days and times fit, and I’d like to talk asap.
need 1 healer and a few dps