[US][H][Area 52] <Second Round> is recruiting for Season 4 and DF

bumping this up for some dps

lf dps and healer for mythic progression

bumping this one up for 1 heal and 5 dps

bumping this thread up

need 4 dps and 1 healer for mythic prog

still need some dps and a healer

bumping this thread up for dps and healer

need some dps and healers

bumping for healers and dps

this thread needs a good bump

just a few spots left, need 2 healers and ranged

need 2 healers and ranged

bumping for some healers

need ranged dps for mythic group

still need some rdps to complete the team

this post needs a healthy bump

we still need 2rdps (lock/boomy/mage/shaman)

no one online in game?

need a few more ranged

bumping this up for some ranged dps