[US][H][AREA-52] 3/10 Rogue Looking for home

Looking to find a new home since my current guild had some drama and fell apart. Best raid times for me are after 5 pm PST any day.
Hoping to push CE don’t mind progression raiding sometimes it takes alot of wipes!
looking forward to any potential messages.
Not looking to server transfer unless it is very promising

Hi Lolimouto! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!


Hello, Nice to meet you. I am Kittler.

I am with (H) [Mourning Shadows]-US Thrall.

We are currently 7/10H fast approaching AOTC.

We are a Casual Guild currently looking for a few healers and dps to fill our rosters. We raid one night a week for 3 hours. That is Sunday from 9pm-12am Eastern Standard Time.

Majority of us are older (25+) and work evenings/nights. So we are not on much during the week. But active during the weekend.

If this sounds like a fit for your schedule and play style. Feel free to reach out to me on discord at Phae#9684 Or on Battle Net at Phae#11613.