{US}[Grizzly Hills] <Three Die six> - 8/8N 1/8H

yeah i need a frost dk need mele really add me Thebanger#11932

did some one say mage

who day who who who dar

Monday monday monday queen dies on monday

and here we gooo

lets goo monday raid week 2

started at the bottom now here we are

where dem classic boyz at

is that my man crank

rip to the boyz and girls where dem healers

raid week 2 for us 7/8H need them gamers to finish the push

need them key players

who needs a aotc guild we just about there

lets gooo week 3 as a guild

where dem mele dps at

where dem mele dps at

queen phase 2 she dies monday

yeet queen phase 2 she dies monday
mele still need them mele

well well well i need me a Priest shadow holy disc

where dem priest at