{US}[Grizzly Hills] <Three Die six> - 8/8N 1/8H

WTB healers

hello its me i need a enh sham

Healers too. Lift those health bars up!

Good crew of folks blasting , could be you too!

the build is real join now

could use a tank plz

Hello! Are you guys in need of a healer? Main a hpaly 614 7/8 H. Looking for a raiding guild. I can raid sunday-monday from 7 est to till end. Tuesday to thursday from 830 to end. Cant on fryday and sathurday.

yes plz add me

Thebanger#11932 add me

Crank dat hammer boyz

need mele dps

did some one say crank dat hammer

mele dps and a resto sham

hello looking for mele dps DH AuG healers

to the moon

where dem mele at

hello its me crandathammer

we are here where are you

whats upppp boyz we back

Is this a soley horde guild or are alliance welcome? Also is your roster updated in the post is there a spot for a 608 Frost DK? 4/8 Heroic