User Created Content

Why doesn’t Blizzard allow WoW players to create (and possibly even sell) their own cosmetic-only transmogs? Imagine the armor looks that would exist if they allowed that.

For some reason I see ALOT of gross symbols showing up if this would be a thing.


Much like Spore. So many wang aliens.

it would be like any other game that allows player created content. 5% of it would be amazing, 10% of it would be offensive, and 85% of it would be junk.


Seems like they could set guidelines as to what would and would not be allowed. And if people violated those guidelines, they could remove their content from the game and now allow them to upload any more. For the rest of us, it would be a great opportunity to share our own creativity or even just make our own avatars stand out. I’ve been hoping for this for a very long time, and it seems like they would have thought of it by now, but I guess not.

That is the most terrifying idea I have ever heard for this game


that would require somebody to review and police the thousands of submissions they’d get every day


Oh i’m sure they’ve had the idea but saw the absolute abomination that was some artistic starcraft / wc3 maps and said: neeeewp.

Paid mods don’t go over well for a start. steam, bgs…yeah that bgs creation club didn’t work out like planned lol.

also Independent work for mods falls under for free as well. you are using their material…you can’t make money off of it. this is why skyrim fallout 4 have some other game based mods. Mod author wrote the company for permission. No money being made? its all good.

this is why some reallly cool companies out their let modders use their stuff. as long as it stays free.

see some going offensive mods. kept client side only the user would see this.
Non issue unless a stream uses them. IN which case…you take it up with the streamer lol. or don’t watch them.


You may be right about all of that. But there are games that allow people to create their own mesh and textures and upload them to share or sell. Personally, I don’t care about selling as much as being able to create my own unique looks. So even if they didn’t allow selling, I can’t see why they wouldn’t allow people to upload their own looks. Perhaps client-side only would be a solution, but then that would defeat the entire point of trying to look different in-game. Of course you’d want others to see your look. That’s the whole point. lol As for offensive mods, it seems like they could have some strict guidelines and enforce them. People are unlikely to cross boundaries if they know all of their uploaded content will be removed from the game. In another game I play, content creators have to take a test before being allowed to upload content. That test covers everything about the rules and also covers the basics of copyright law. If you fail that test, you can’t contribute content. If you pass the test, you’ve proven you understand the rules and applicable laws and have no excuse if you break them.

And you lost me there mate.

I don’t want to think about what Blizzard’s idea of Creation Club looks like. :nauseated_face:

GTA Online has a system for crew symbols, and I’ve seen all sorts of bad images that slip through the system.

If they plan on doing anything new with transmog, it should be a dye system. Not entirely sure if possible with the current system, but it would be great if they could.

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Would require too much moderation to oversee such content. Imagine all the Adult Content that would be used for imagery. You know the playerbase here. Do you really think this would be a good idea?

When it comes to open world / creative / sandbox games there are a ton of better options out there. WoW just isn’t one of them nor does it have a good foundation to build one from.

Everquest had this years ago called the Player’s Studio. They put the approved cosmetics in the cash shop and paid a royalty to the creator when someone bought them.

They stopped it a while back when the person manually uploading and managing the system moved on. The old items are still available for purchase though.


I’d be all for it.


I could see it as a possible avenue if they had the resources for some review/moderation. If they accept the model, pay the creator, put it in the game.

To my mind, it could be a way for them to get new content fairly inexpensively. But it would require resources to review and incorporate. I suspect the legal team would have issues with copyright/etc.


Something like this would expose Blizzard; there are fan renditions of certain armor sets and certain helmets that blow what Blizzard has produced out of the water.

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I know that they could set strict guidelines and remove ALL uploaded content of anyone who violates them. Serious content creators would not want their content removed so they wouldn’t violate the guidelines.