Used Garrison Hearth Now Constantly Falling

I used the garrison hearth and was disconnected while going to the garrison… Next thing i know im above the ocean and constantly falling. I keep falling untill I disconnect. I can not log out or exit or hearth because im moving. I tried to unstuck and It just moves me to the left. still falling. Any suggestions?

This happened to me as well. New bug. Contacting support and suggest the same for anyone who gets this as they will send you to the nearest graveyard or flightpoint.

You should be able to do the unstuck feature also. Accomplishes the same thing it moves you

Having had this happen in the past, I always keep a few [Potion of Deepholm] in my bag.

You can use those while falling.

Hey! Yeah, I have been gone from game a hot minute and found the Unstuck feature a bit after I posted (used to have to contact a GM to do it). Used it. I’ll look for the [Potion of Deepholm] because if that does something while falling, it would be great to keep around, just in case.

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