I’ve been trying to find a macro for a use trinket, that will also stop the error sfx and error message on screen, but everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked. The most recent macro I’ve found is from 2019, and doesn’t seem to work today. Is it just not possible now?
Does anybody have a use macro that stops the error sfx/message while trying to use it along side another spell/ability?
I know there is the sound option to completely shut off all error sfx but that wasn’t really what I was wanting. Plus that still doesn’t remove the pointless error message.
There used to be a way to hide the error text from display but it stopped working a while ago. That way was to add this to the end of the macro: /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
The sound of Error speech can be turned off by going into the System menu->Sound->Uncheck Error Speech, which eliminates the need for changing any console variables in a script and this by itself /run C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() end)
depending on your PC can still result in seeing the error text, just for a shorter period of time.