[US][A][Stormrage] <The Noble Few> New Player-Friendly AOTC Guild Recruiting for 10.1! (8/8N 8/8H)

We’re a tight-knit guild focused on creating a positive environment to help newer players improve. Our goals are to reach Ahead of the Curve each raid tier, but with a top priority of helping players grow and gain a better understanding of the game. Whether you’re a new player, or more experienced and looking to raid in a positive and learning-focused environment, we’d love to have you!

We are recruiting ALL roles/classes for our raid team for 10.1! Come join our little community!

Currently, we are running VOTI heroic on Saturdays from 9PM-midnight EST. Raid times will move to two nights a week once 10.1 starts, and dates chosen will be based on member flexibility.

If you’re interested, please send Libste#5442 a friend request on Discord!