We are seeking committed players for a mere two nights a week. we are currently 13/14 in 10 man and 10/14 in 25 man, we had cleared all content in phase 1 including 3d sarth. raid days are Sunday and Monday evening at 7:30pm est to 10:30pm est. We do run 10 mans on Friday night at the same times but those are optional. We are a relaxed group looking to have fun while clearing content and will look forward to welcoming some new recruits! please comment here or whisper Eggsaladin / Valecka / Memesei / Boufedease / Treelogreen / Shuhuaholy in game
please whisper Eggsaladin / Valecka / Memesei / Boufedease / Treelogreen / Shuhuaholy