[US][A][FAERLINA] <Quintessential> PvP LF 85-90+ Parsers for Dedicated Roster Positions

Quintessential | Seeking high-performance individuals to fill a few select classes for dedicated roster positions in top 5-10 Alliance guild on Faerlina. 90 Minute 1-shot BWL teams, sub 1-hour MCs. We are an experienced guild, transferred and reformed at the beginning of Classic and looking additional skilled players to improve overall performance.

Classes: Currently seeking the following to replace existing positions:

  • Prot/Fury Warrior (P3/P4 Tank);
  • Fury Warriors;
  • Rogue;
  • Feral Druid (DPS/P4 Tank);
  • Mage;
  • Holy Paladin;
  • Resto Druid (optional).

Requirements: All applicants should have recent (no more than 3 weeks old) logs showing 90+ parses on most fights with an average BWL parse of no less than 85. All DPS applicants are required to have Engineering 205+.

Raid Times: Tues 730-1100 EST & Weds 800-1200 EST.

Loot: Loot is DKP based: 10 per boss, 10 per raid, and up to 100/week based on donations (raid mats). After two weeks, applicants are promoted to Member and can bid Max DKP + 100, and after 4 weeks are promoted to Core Member and have prio on a few items (Dragon Heads, etc.). Top 10 progression-tier items are reserved for Vets (6+ Weeks and 90+ parses). New applicants have catch up mechanics available to them and DKP is hard capped for each new raid tier.

Latest Logs : [Viewable here](classic. warcraftlogs. com/reports/compare/DkbR2Xx3hMNJ6mQg/BzJP1KFp6yZYLq2v#boss=-2&difficulty=0&wipes=2&type=damage-done) (remove spaces after periods)

Discord: discord. gg/ 9VbuXKW . If you’d like to learn more about the guild and how it is run, please take a look at the #documents section. (remove spaces after periods)

Application: If you are interested, please fill out the application: forms. .gle/chxCbBKscs8v7UKZ8 (remove spaces after periods) or reach out to Myre, Apdropshot, or Jazminites online

Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,


GM of Quintessential


Update: still looking for Fury Warriors, Feral Druid tank/dps, maybe 1 holy paladin / priest.

Normal clear times down to just over 1 hour. Speedrun times coming soon.