[US][A] Stormrage <Disorientated> AOTC

Gonna have my two month old healing at this rate. Still looking for another healer, other roles/specs welcome

kachow kachow!~

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Brutual made me bump here under threat of tickles

seriously though how many priests are in this guild?

Counting you two? Two.

Counting all your priest alts? Too many…

Def need more druids though.

Sent a battle.net friend request after seeing your reply on my post.

Thank you for your interest.

(I’m a healer btw) :slight_smile:

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uwu daddy?

Bump for the weekend and the new raid schedule starting next week!

cause mama said it was ok?

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To. The. Top.

I thought you were afraid of heights?

Muthaf’n bump.

Biggg bumps bringing us to the top!

Forgot how to bump. Does this work?

It works like this. TO THE TOP!

Come laugh at me as I die many horrible deaths…none of which compare to our raid lead running off the edge of Jainas bridge >_>

Monday morning bump!

I’d offer my DK to y’all, but I got booted from discord a while back and could never get a hold of anyone as to a reason why. Was there for 24 hours and was kicked.

Our loss I guess.

I’m betting you were someone who no-showed to a trial…