[US][A] <FacePull> Stormrage LF 1 Tank and 1 or 2 Healers

FACEPULL - Stormrage is an AOTC / Mythic guild looking for a tank for Heroic. We are also looking for a healer or 2.

For the Tank: We are looking for a tank interested in progressing to AOTC for the heroic raid team. We currently have enough people to run 2 raid groups. We are looking for a full time tank for normal and heroic. You may be rotated into the mythic group at some point but currently the tanks are set for mythic.

Raid Schedule

  • Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15pm to 11:15pm EST.
  • Sunday is optional, same time. Sunday is an optional progression day where we stack the group and push further into the current content we are working on.

If interested, please message me in game or on Discord.


More information below about our community.


  • Facepull members enjoy the entire game together - not just raiding. We combine our strengths and synergize in many game aspects. When we need help, we prefer to ask our teammates first. This builds trust in each other and strengthens the bonds that allow us to enjoy the game together. Facepull members are available between raids to collaborate for character power progression activities. Use Discord to take the initiative and make groups.
  • Our team provides us an environment in which raiders can thrive, and we will treat our guests with the same respect and generosity as we do our own team members.


  • Facepull members exemplify cooperation, preparation, and execution. We come to raids having studied the fights and with enough consumables to last the night.
  • Facepull members strive to help each other improve their performance through coaching as appropriate, quick reviews of fight mechanics as needed, and through the use of combat log analysis. Members do not take constructive criticism personally; rather, they understand that personal improvement results in team progress.
  • Facepull members address internal disagreements directly and discreetly. Should an issue arise between two or more team members, and all avenues of resolving the issue directly between the involved parties have been exhausted, they can seek Pilot arbitration.


  • Facepull members appreciate that the team consists of adults with a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and standards of acceptable social behavior. In order to avoid unnecessary tension, we limit profanity and lewdness in voice and in-game chat.
  • Facepull members behave in a respectful manner and do not engage in distracting or disturbing behavior or conversation that makes other raiders uncomfortable. Disrespectful behavior, angry outbursts, and unqualified or personal criticism toward others undermines the purpose of raiding for fun and will not be tolerated.
  • Facepull members respect other raiders’ time by announcing when they go AFK. Raiders remove themselves from the raid when they must take an extended AFK or when AFK for a boss pull.
  • Facepull members respect that if the game gives someone loot, it is theirs. It is courteous, if you do not need a specific item and if it is tradable, to offer it up for grabs in Raid chat. The convention is that whoever rolls highest should get the loot. If you see a needed item awarded by the game to another raider, feel free to whisper that person to see if they need it, while respecting whatever decision they make.

The Commitment (tl:dr)

As a member of the team I will:

  • play in a manner that brings enjoyment - for myself, for my team, and my guild…
  • work for the good of my team and my community, giving my best effort at all times.
  • give and seek assistance from my teammates in all aspects of the game.
  • be modest and generous with my teammates.
  • treat all members of the team respectfully and expect the same in return, even when we disagree.
  • show up to raid, prepared and on time, and give ample notice when I cannot.
  • approach raiding in a way that helps myself and my team to constantly improve and progress.
  • exercise temperance in my actions to foster an enjoyable environment for all team members.
  • be generous with loot the game has granted to me that is of little or no use to me.