[US][A] Anvilmar <Scranton> Old Time Guild LFM for Casual Heroic Raiding Team

is looking for more for their casual heroic raiding team! Currently recruiting DPS and Healers. We raid Wednesday and Thursday nights 8pm EST to 10pm EST. Please reach out to the raid leader, Nightlion-Undermine, on discord at Carenth#0456 or in game if interested or if you have any questions.

If you are a Horde player or on a different server and interested in joining us, please reach out and we can invite you to our raiding community.

About The Guild:
We are currently 6/10 Heroic trying to push to AOTC before the end of the season. We are a fun loving, casual group of players who enjoy the challenge of raiding every tier. The guild has been around since Wrath of the Lich King.

What We Are Looking For:
We would prefer you being ilevel 252 and over to start raiding right away but we can help get gear through our Mythic+ nights and Alt Normal runs on the weekends. Discord is required for raid night to hear calls.