[US] <Vampiric Embrace> 8/8H NP LF Heal/DPS | 8-10PM EST Tues/Thurs

Guild & Server: Vampiric Embrace - Stormrage

Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:00-10:00 PM EST
Current Progression: 8/8H

Recruitment Contacts: @Ilidrias-Stormrage [A] | @Korogi-MoonGuard [A]

Requirements: We are relaxed and respectful and expect the same. Is currently recruiting for Mythic Progression, With Heroic AOTC on farm each week. We also have people of all skill levels grinding out keys anywhere from 1k IO to 3k IO. We will help gear you!

Needs: Healer: Priests, Shaman,
DPS: Warrior, Demon Hunter, Elemental, WW, Aug, Retribution

Hello I am looking for an active guild with a raid schedule like this and like to do mythic plus. If you still have a spot reach out. Dalistar#1511

awesome ill send you a bnet friend request :slight_smile:

I’m possibly interested. I know you’re not looking for a Dk, but let me know if something pops up.

We aren’t being super picky- mostly a wishlist. Ultimately we would prefer people who mesh with us than getting people who dont and have specific classes. Send a request on guild finder and we can chat :slight_smile: