We’re itching to start pulling in Mythic! Come join in the fun and help us out of this Heroic ALT run purgatory.
Our hope is to start pulling Mythic as a Guild the week after Thanksgiving. We have a number of folks who have been pugging kills on their own. We just need a few more solid raiders to make things start happening. Come along for the ride.
Where the DPS Shamans and Tanks at?
hey, sent a bnet request to Nyborg. i am highly interested in contributing to your progression goals. semi-casual mythic raid progression has been my goal for many years now, but due to previous work schedule restrictions, i was met with many difficulties in scheduling misalignment. recently my situation has changed and i am in search of a group that has goals that align with my own. i am primarily looking for a solid group of people who enjoy grouping up to clear content. i found a raiding guild with multiple teams where i enjoy the raiding atmosphere, but outside of that its been a struggle to find people with other goals, such as m+. my battle tag is jduer2010#1183 and discord handle DocHolliday8984
Hey there! Appreciate the interest in what we have going here and our convo last night. Feel free to join our discord to stay in touch while you make your final decisions! discord.gg/ EZTqKP3d58
Cone on then!!!
Our Tank is ready to Tank things. We just need a few more people ready to whack things.
We had a few members host a Mythic Pug last night for a easy 3/8 down and GV slot secured. We’re itching to start pulling in Mythic as a Guild, just need a few more banging DPS to make it happen. If you’re getting a little the mid-season blues, why not raid Mythic with us?
Still actively recruiting for a Mythic Roster! Are you one of the missing puzzle pieces we need?
Mythic Raid Recruitment Needs:
- 1 Main Tank: Looking for 1 experienced MT Player. Warrior, DH, BDK currently preferred.
- DPS: Frost DK, SPriest, Elemental, Enhancement, Rogue, Mage, Aug, Dev, Boomie, Warlock, Arms/Fury, Windwalker
- 1 Healer: Preist, PresEv, RDruid
- All Other Classes: Closed
More DAMAGE! We wanna start getting into Mythic after the Holiday here. Really just need a few more DPS before we’re ready to fire up!
Join us! Looking for a few more for mythic raiding.
Come thump some late-season bosses, eh?
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Still need to find a few more like-minded DPS players to fill out our Roster for Mythic!
- 1 Main Tank: Looking for 1 experienced MT Player. Warrior, DH, BDK currently preferred.
- DPS: SPriest, Elemental, Enhancement, Rogue, Mage, Aug, Dev, Boomie, Arms/Fury, Windwalker
- 1 Healer: Preist, PresEv, RDruid
- All Other Classes: Closed
Interested in some late season Mythic kills? We are too!
Still looking for a handful of DPS players for Mythic!
Mythic Raid Recruitment Needs:
- 1 Main Tank: Looking for 1 experienced MT Player. Warrior, DH, BDK currently preferred.
- DPS: SPriest, Elemental, Rogue, Mage, Aug, Dev, Boomie, Warrior, Windwalker
- 1 Healer: Preist, PresEv, MWM
- All Other Classes: Closed
The Guild snagged 3/8M last night pretty painlessly with some PuGs filling in. Would love to find a few more brave souls to join this crew so we can keep things in-house! Until then, we’ll be pugging once a week for vaults. Come check us out.
To the top! Come check us out. Still looking for 1 Tank, 1 Healer, couple DPS.
To the Top
Still looking for a few more to round out a Mythic Roster as we move towards Season 2!
Mythic Raid Recruitment Needs:
- DPS: SPriest, Rogue, Mage, Dev, Boomie, Warrior, Windwalker
- 1 Healer: Preist, PresEv, MWM
- All Other Classes: Closed
Happy Reset day! Good luck on some of these last BiS items. Interested in some Mythic raiding? Come join us for season 2!
- DPS: SPriest, Rogue, Mage, Dev, Boomie, Warrior, Windwalker
- 1 Healer: Preist, PresEv, MWM
- All Other Classes: Closed