[US] [Stormrage] <Hope Remains> AOTC Sat/Sun 8-11 pm EST LFM

Who We Are:

Hope Remains is a weekend AOTC raiding guild of 21y/o+ adults. We enjoy raiding in a low-stress environment while achieving AOTC every tier. Raid progress is our goal while keeping things fun. We focus on progressing through heroic raids. We do achievement runs. We like to run M+. We even have some pvpers if that’s your bag. We’re looking for a few more players to join us.

Currently recruiting mainly for a tank for our core raid team. But we’re open to DPS and all players looking for a good time. Casuals and non-raiders are encouraged to apply if you’re looking for a welcoming community.

Our raid schedule is Saturday and Sunday from 8pm to 11pm EST.

We’re also always open to players that are just looking for a laid back guild to call home.

What we offer as a guild
~Friendly helpful players
~Guildies willing to help you learn and improve in both dungeons and raids
~Mythic + runs
~Achievement and transmog runs
~ Active Discord server where many of our members are available even when not logged in. You’ll find help when needed, memes and banter.

If this is something that fits what you’re looking for, just reply here or reach out to one of us: Sodium#11409 or Soulswag#11343

Dont forget our f33t pix channel.on discord

Feet of strength!

dk looking to raid next tier

Hi I sent you a friend request. Me and 2 of my buddies are looking for a group to join up with for weekend raiding. We also enjoy running keys at different levels.

We have several different classes/specs between us including tanks and varying levels of experience raiding, from aotc to normal.